woensdag 4 juni 2008

6/4/2008 11:56 AM

Hi this is Chani,
I would like to mention and update you on a few things.
The OP and the Elder I'm communicating with have been very scaress the past week. (There is some problem on thier time line)
I will post two things. The first is some things I want you to know and the second part is a very controversial discussion I had with an Elder.

The following is a channeling I recorded from an Elder. The Elder said he would
be back to explain but I've not heard from him for more then a week. Here
is the first and only paragraph I recorded:

" The first thing to understand the YOU, you must understand "Infinity".
The second thing you must understand is "Illusion"
The third thing you must both understand the" infinity of illusion" and "the illusion of infinity"
The forth thing to understand is that the above means nothing and it explains everything.
(This is all I got and the Elder have not come back to explain or elaborate)

There are a few thing which have happened and is happening which I think is
only appropriate for you to know about, so please bear with me in this long

My daughter Chani, is the light of our lives. She is my strength and my wisdom.
I've said before there are miracles happing in our family since the OP arrived but I feel it is now the time to mention a few things for you to know. Chani was borne deaf and dumb, she can not speak or hear and has been
on kidney dialyses for 6 hours a day every three days for the past three years.
If you know the healthcare system in the UK you will know how frustrating this is and NOW she is getting a transplant later in June! we've been waiting three years already.
When this all started I was afraid that she was possessed by some evil spirit or demon. I've seen and read some post here accusing and suggesting the same thin,. I want to tell you, I was wrong in thinking this and so are those for suggesting it. She can now speak in tongues. I still can not understand what she is saying but she is able to make SOUND!.

The OP explained right from the start to us the significance of the place where we stay "Orkney".(Explaining all this is a different post all together and I will try and do it later) but I will say this.Where you were borne and living right now in these "end" times is TOTALLY due to your karmic burden. I understand and accept this know as a fact of life.Living in a "safe place" does not mean you are fortunate, enlightened or elite, it means you are in the best place possible to learn from the experience yet to come. You are where you need to be for further growth to the Grace of the One.
Now here is the controversial part which both shocked and enlightened my existence. Nothing and I mean nothing shocked or prepared me for this. Please don't judge me as Nazi or some evil. I'm only relaying what I've come to understand from communication with an Elder.
He mentioned how our history was totally wrong in our history books. Especially relating to Hitler!
He said Hitler tried to eradicate earth of an evil genetic generation of evil beings that was hindering the evolution of all human beings on earth. If Hitler succeeded we would today already be in a cosmic union and alliance with our
galactic counterparts and entities.The elder explained that Hitler, or rather the entity that possessed Hitler, was actually the good or catalyzing force for our planetary transformation. The elder explained that "we" need another Hitler to "save" us and our thinking of love. Love is both the most righteous,balancing and misunderstood concept in our current existence and understanding.. He said there is no second coming of a "Jesus" but there is a second coming of the "Hitler entity" and that Hitler entity is already born and living among us for some time now and will come forward soon. Death and cruelty is a Gateway we still need to grasp the significance of. Everything else is a deliberate prolonging, distraction, deception and illusion of working with so called light or workers with light.
A light that is wrong in so many ways it is setting our evolvement back for centuries. Receiving inspirational light messages from beings from the astral will not help us still living on the physical. The OP is not from a higher or astral dimension but from a parallel dimension very similar to our own that have gone through this. The Elders say we must not trust the astral beings ever! they(Elders) have first hand experience of the deception of so called enlightened astral beings.
Light has turned into Ego and manipulation and also the agenda of the esoteric plan of deception amongst physical systems(solar systems) . Ego is borne out of light and a misconceive illusion of enlightenment. It is time for us to stop using the term love as a justification for the actions by our ego. We now falsely believe light is somehow a forgiveness or a "let out Free" of our Karmic burden. Light and Love is our final test and subsequently our final failure. There is no savior or escape clause from our karmic burden.Light has no value when it existence or origin concept is born from darkness. Our human history is born from an convicted darkness enhanced by to religion and delusional new age thinking. We are "convicts" on a prison planet and time.The light is our last and final hinder to true oneness with the Creator energy. Our existence is from dark matter by the Creator. Thinking you have light is a contradiction. Enlightenment comes from the darkness of silence. Silence and servitude is the only truth.
Once we realize this enlightenment is forthwith. There is no light without darkness but there has always been darkness without light.. Understanding the nature of darkness and its purpose for harmony is the lesson we, you and me, need to learn from this "prison planet: time and incarnation. Only then will the Creators true light be known to us that this place is not where we should be.
The light ONLY comes when darkness ENDS and NOT before. We've not overcome darkness yet so there is no light here, however our prison term is ending.. You and me are all here to serve out our darkness(conviction).
Once our sentence is over will we be welcomed back to the true light. Our hell is a true holy war and we are in the final phase of harvesting our beliefs and returning on the path of the One.

Love Chani. (Please don't judge me. I too have some difficulty and is a skeptic with the above)

zondag 1 juni 2008

6/1/2008 4:37 AM Trinity

OP, how can we be ready in spirit mind and body?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 439732

helo 439732
first me try xplain mind body spirit
me xplain true trinity
trinity is mind body and spirit
trinity is farther child and mother
yor sumerian symbol of sumeria queen is dove
yor religion leaders long ago decide not use female 4 church leaders and leading
so they remove female esence from child and remove mother esence from spirit
they then say trinity is father son and spirit al male esence
this was to distrct deceive to change church and religion 4 male control only and dominating
that were al yor religion go wrong in history
farther is the mind
son daughter or child is the body
mother is the spirit ok
the mother spirit esence is the balance is the harmony is the glue
the mother is between the farther and son or child
the spirit is between mind and body
religion without mother spirit esence is not spiritual but false teachings 4 control
trinity is the family of life
trinity is sum experince of mind body and spirit ok
now me try xplain how get ready mind body spirit
make ready yor mind understaning whatever hapens
make ready yor spirit aceptance whatever hapens
make ready body not 2 fear 4 death body not real u only vehicle u
me unerstan many u more scare pain of death than death itself this only body scared not real u
if death was painles then many more would partake ok yes no
dimising is not ending but new begining progres
death is progres is grow

zaterdag 31 mei 2008

5/26/2008 4:49 AM: two exploding stars


me tel u day be4 me have important thing 2 tel u
elders finish calculate they say ok me can tel u this important thing now
so me tel u know in best wordings me have lernt
on 9 january yor astronomers cee 2 star xplode yor line time
this 2 star xplode is part of yor 2nd witnesing prophesy
now u must lisen me very good and lisen warning ok make yorself ready
u know lite travel faster than sound ok yes
on 9 january yor nasas cee lite of 2 star xplode ok yes
elders calculate that from now it is time for sound wave of 2 star xploding
come hit earth anyday soon now
window open from today til end july yor line time for when wave hits
why nasas wait so long 2 tel u on 14 may only about this me not know their
reason 4 delay
me lern wording sonicboom
me tel u know what is coming yor way wil be a cosmosonicboom
this sound wave wil change many things and cause big disasters and many
this sound wavings make comets ignite ok
this sound wavings make moons forget placing ok
this sound wavings make planets lose or change orbit ok
there is no more forgivnes earth this thing is coming
yor leaders get desperat want escape try use cern but make things worsening
but not sure yor leaders try haarp only make earth angry
me sory 4 have to tel u this bad news ok sory
but elders give some beter news also
elders have problem calculate where yor sun wil be position when wave hits
if earth is behind sun when wave hit earth sufering wil be much les ok
sun wil absorb much damage
but then sun damge wil have efect tranfer on earth also but not as big if
not behind sun
elders not al agree but many say earth wil be behind sun so this some good
news ok
u just be ready in mind spirit and yor body ok
please tel every1 everywhere be ready with body and spirit from today
can 1 u please post this front screen to warn
me also need leve yor line time soon ok
me witnesing completed soon

5/22/2008 4:20 AM Chani, prophecy 2

Hi this is Chani

Here is another narration by an Elder from the same sacred text ( I Think??):

There are two kinds of prophecy, or two ways to prophesy. For example, the
ant and the bee, and many animals, prophesy in regard to an approaching
winter. Even birds begin to fly toward tropical regions whilst it is yet
warm weather.

These creatures prophesy by the direct action of vortex currents upon
them. They feel what is approaching, BECAUSE THE UNSEEN CAUSE IS ALREADY
UPON THEM.[my emphasis]

Humans can learn to acquire the same kind of prophecy. And this is different
from the prophecy herein before mentioned, because he prophesied in this
last method without rules or calculations.[my first post]

To attain this kind of prophecy, the following discipline is requisite:

To live in the fields and forests, and study the action of unseen forces
upon himself; to eat not fish, nor flesh, nor any food that cometh of
animals; to bathe daily; to permit no passion to enter his mind; to abnegate
self and to wed himself to the Creator for righteousness sake, and to do
good; to discipline his mind, to remain in any given direction on any
subject, for days if necessary; to become oblivious to pain. After which he
shall receive anointment from one who had previously attained the seership.
[ I told the elder that this is nearly impossible in our day and age and he
indicated that we created the environment we live in so we must UN-CREATE
IT or NATURE WILL DO IT FOR US!!!(I think we can all see around us that
nature has started this process of cleansing)]

To attain such prophecy is to forfeit sexual powers; to forfeit appetite; to
forfeit ambition for leadership and fame; to forfeit concern for the
opinions of the world. In fact, to become a Bridegroom (or a Bride) to the

Not all persons can attain to this; but some are born closely allied to it.

There is also another kind of prophecy, wherein man prophesied by spirits
speaking through him. This is dangerous, for lying spirits may come to him.
[so even the OP and this channeling could be a lie or deceiving]

Rather, let man seek to become one with the Father, making close
observations of the rules of vortex motion and current; for in this he
provided for the development of all his faculties. [we have everything we
need, we just need to learn how to use it]


5/19/2008 12:01 PM Chani, prophecy 1

Hi, this Chani

This is my first full attempt to post a telepathic channeling from one of "OP/ME's" elders and I'm exited and hope it will benifical to al who read it. Althouf it is short I had to re-write and study my notes over and over again to place it into context.

My previous attempts was basically just chatting back and forth and not really focusing on one specific question. This was done as an exercise regime and to make me more comfortable with the process and technique.

Two issues that came up frequently and which "ME/OP" could not explain properly was the issue of "Creation Harmonics" and how student-prophets (like "OP/ME") can use these harmonics to better calculate or make more accurate predictions. (Simply put:" How does the OP employ/read the harmonics to make better predictions")

So for my first full attempt I decided to ask about harmonics, what it realy is in our context and how we use it.

To my surprise , the first response from the Elder was that he would telepathically narrate it to me from a sacred text we ALREADY have. It apparently comes from the Emissary Scroll of the Order of Orange and has many names. (I'm still researching this, perhaps someone here know what text the Elder is narrating from)

Q: What are The Harmonics of Creation and how can we use it to predict events?

A:. The same force, prevails and propagate the entire universe, but differently, according to volume, locity and configuration.

Colors are not substances or things in fact, but records of currents of vortex motions, and are in proportion to their deviation from linear to adverse parallelism. These fall under the divisor, or multiple, 3 (primaries), yellow, blue and red, corresponding to the times, 11, 33, 99, and so on.

The same rule was applied by the ancient prophets in music, making three primary sounds, e, o, ih (the words of the wind), but giving all other sounds to the beast (66), which was supposed to cover the number of sounds from the lowest bass to the highest treble, that could be procured from the animal creation. And these ranges of sounds are manifest in man, whether singing or talking, according to the kind of vortex motion currents that fall upon a country and the grade he holdeth in resurrection. So that even a whole people in one country will utter sounds higher or lower than in another country, some through the teeth, some in the throat, and yet others through the nose.

Sounds, as in music, are not substance, but currents of air in motion, which register their broken discharges on the drum of the ear. So that it is possible for the ear to be so cultivated that it can detect these velocities, so as to determine colors thereby. For, of a truth, in entity, sounds and colors are one and the same thing, but registered, one on the eye and one on the ear. In other words, the two organs of sense discover the same thing differently: To one it is music, to the other it is color.

If a man be given to re-call(reverie) because of music or colors, his soul travels in the currents thereof, and he becomes oblivious to his surroundings. The vortex motion currents in that case pass through him uninterruptedly.

If one instrument in a same room be played upon, and other instruments in the same room be in tune therewith, the currents of vortex motion will cause the others to give off sounds faintly. If said instruments be connected by wood fibres, the sounds will be louder. If the person in reverie holdeth the hands of others in the room, the same current will run through the whole. Hence music is the greatest of all harmonizers. A person may be a great lover of music, but be so discordant in his disposition as not to enter the ecstatic state of reverie. Another person may not know how to sing three notes, but have so concordant a disposition that he is at once carried into ecstacy by music, or by colors, or by viewing the great Harmonies of Creation.

The true prophet is such as hath attained con-cordance. The vortex motion currents of any and everything pass through him. He seeth and feeleth with his soul. He is a perpetual register of everything near at hand. And if he cultivate his talent so as to estimate results therefrom, the future and the past are as an open book to him.

That which is erroneously called instinct in animals, is the capacity to be moved by the positive and negative vortex motion

Were the positive and negative currents equal in duration, the sexes born into the world would be equal in number. Males are the manifestation of positive vortex motion, and females negative. The more positive the female, the less fruitful; but the opposite of this is the male's power.

Herb-food for man cultivateth the negative condition; flesh-food for man increaseth the positive: Which is to say, flesh-food carrieth man away from prophecy; away from spirituality. A nation of meat-eaters will always culminate in disbelievers in spirituality; and they become addicted to corporeal passions. Such men can not understand; to them the world is vanity and vexation, if poor; or, if rich, a place to revel in for lust's sake.

Let the prophet steer clear of them; nor marry with them; nor have anything in common with them. For though a man learn all the motions and powers of the corpus worlds, his information is still but as a drop of water compared to the ocean, when measured by the seer and prophet that seeth the atmospheric and etheric worlds.

Thai's All Folks :-)

donderdag 1 mei 2008

Bericht aan de Paus

The posts van Op worden geblogt op: http://friend15may.blogspot.com/

The thread is op het life forum http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message520517/pg105
me tel u now so u belive me 15 may
User ID: 308272
5/1/2008 9:15 AM

Ok, I think I can post it now, I've got nothing to lose :)
Here is the message as best as I could recall and reconstruct from my notes and telepathic memory. I unfortunately cant remember all of it.
(If I knew beforehand that this whole issue was going to cause me such embarrassment I would have paid more intention, I'm sorry, but I believe everything happens for a reason)
Your eminences the last pope of earth time
you've been waiting for the 2nd line time witnessing, we are here now to do the witnessing from 2nd line time
your leaders is about to change the polarities of your planet and solar system interaction
by playing with dark matters on nearby 15 may your line time
here and hear is our warning and divine request and 2nd line time instruction
emissary of the dark light it is time for you to leave your Rome lay down and
admit your false rule
your real creator's and planers are about to return this fantasy and lunar madness is ending
your creators are not god humans they are from a different specie and a
different race far more intelligent than any of your earth beings and godlike/liking masters.
your creators are not real gods they are other beings
not imagined by your ignorant and false egotistical believing you are of importance
your order have always known this yet you prolonged the fantasy
al this is foretold in volume xxiv of your orange order
you must leave Rome now and allow the other pope/papal to open and read the
13th emissary scroll to all human peoples of this earth at this line time(timeline) and fulfill the foretelling/prophecy of your mystic first generations of peoples many times ago
here is the scribing code you and predecessors have been waiting for to allow/confirm 2nd witnessing from line time 2(two) to begin their missionary workings
[I'm sure this is Latin but I could not get a translation that makes sense so I'll just leave it as is from my memory and notes(not sure about the precise spelling either)]
"locas anum der nimus per vidi cum dous ivu des non per nominus est cac les dor plurimus den
vindicatios ras cum ser vamitimus estr peran des non sequitorus lemu ma lex
atlantios ver conficumus lemurios lemuria des deo aqua"
all your god wisdom choices have been in error on human side
prepare the 144000 now not tomorrow and not later but now before 15 may
so they may leave and spared all injury and sufferings to come this line time
your companion rulers and rulings have selfishly taken this wisdom from the public and
used it against the public peoples and all creatures here for the last 1000 gracious and forgiving years
no more forgiveness when the witnessing begin to speak their missionary workings
[this is all I can remember]

zondag 30 maart 2008

Ian Xel Lungold

Ian Xel Lungold in 'The Mayan Calendar Comes North':

* “Consciousness is the awareness of being aware.”
* “Whenever you notice yourself noticing something, you are experiencing your own consciousness.”
* “A calendar is the absolute center of civilization.”
* “A calendar is the absolute center of consciousness”
* “'Time and place' is the orientation of your consciousness”
* “Your viewpoint is the point from which you view the universe.”
* “What you pay attention to is what you become conscious of.”
* “Free will is your choice of what you are going to pay attention to.”
* “Our whole concept of time and the very center of our consciousness is about these repetitive cycles of action.”
* “Time equals motion (of physical things).”
* “The Gregorian calendar is about the physical measurement of our orbit.”
* “The Gregorian calendar has pinned our civilizations consciousness to physical evidence only, on the measurement of physical objects moving through space.”
* “Dogma means unquestioned belief. The biggest dogma on earth is what day it is.”
* “Consciousness. Light. Thought. Action.”
* “Each level of creation has 7 days and 6 nights.”
* “Each day is a period of enlightenment or increase in consciousness.”
* “Each night is a period of applying that consciousness.”
* “The difference between a family and a herd is the recognition of the individual.” (about the consciousness evolution from ‘Stimulus Response’ to ‘Stimulus – Individual Response’)
* “The basis of culture is shared reasons.”
* “Either we’ve got a 16.4 billion long strain of coincidence, or we’re on a schedule.”
* “We are on a schedule.”
* “Consciousness is not just us. Consciousness is this pen, the air you are breathing, the tree outside. Consciousness is all of creation. Consciousness is everything and everything is oriented on ethics.”
* “Conscious co-creation.”
* “Now it is pretty evident that we are already co-creating our experience.”
* “..and where this is all leading is to our full ability to consciously co-create our experience.”
"The Mayan Calendar comes to an end on October 28, 2011."
* “Time is not speeding up. Creation is. There is more and more event in less and less time.”
* “The mind is a tool that consciousness uses to distinguish similarities and differences between things.”
* “The mind works on a series of pictures. The flicker frequency is 24 frames per second. That’s how fast your mind works. Your mind has a speed limit. Your mind can only think 24 thoughts in one second.”
* “You are not your mind.”
* “Your consciousness is not limited to how fast your mind works.”
* “The mind is a tool, supposed to do a job which is seeing similarities and differences concerning your survival.”
* “Consciousness is as fast as you can realise.”
* “Consciousness has just sped away from your mind.”
* “The mind would rather be right than you to be alive.”
* “It is pretty evident that we are all going to be completely out of our minds.”
* “What is outside of your own mind is your intuition.”
* “The Mayan Calendar was never about time. It was always about measuring and keeping track of the flow of creation and the intent of creation and the aspect of creation every single day. Remember there is one law in the universe: What you pay attention to you become conscious of. What if every day you were paying attention to the energy of this flow of creation? What would you become conscious of? So wouldn’t it be easier to have your consciousness attuned to your intuition?”
* “Beings exchange admiration (rather than money or thoughts or communication) between one and another.”
* “We admire intuition. That’s why we pay for it.”
* "The more you admire something, the more it is worth to you and the more you will pay for it. That is really the basis of all exchange. How much it is admired.”

zaterdag 29 maart 2008

The Mayan Calendar

5th Night of the Galactic Cycle, 8 min
The Mayan Calendar Comes North 01 - Ian Xel Lungold

The "Galactic Cycle" began on Jan. 5, 1999 and lasts for 12.8 years. The dawn of this cycle was the Y2K scare, which was a mass warning or planting of a seed, "don't trust your systems." Nothing happened at the time, but by 2007-08 we will be in the Fifth Day and Night of the overall cycle, a big opening in consciousness but also a time when we may experience an economic meltdown. Lungold says to heed the Hopi, who advise: 1) Know where your food and water are coming from, and 2) Know all of your relations. Getting out of the cities will be wise, he says, as "shrapnel may be flying" and the usual sources of food and water won't be as available. This is similar to other Fifth Days in creation, such as the period encompassing World War I and II, and prior to that, the Dark Ages. The coming trial will be shorter and less severe than the previous ones. Things are getting dramatically better, he points out.SIGNIFICANT MAYAN CALENDAR DATES

Meditating on the following dates will attune your consciousness to the flow of evolutionary creation:

Nov. 28, 2005 Beginning of Fourth Night: Bridge-building to consciousness expansion
May 27, 2006 Midpoint of Fourth Night
Nov. 23, 2006 Beginning of Fifth Day: Budding, breakthrough
May 22, 2007 Midpoint of Fifth Day
Nov. 18, 2007 Beginning of Fifth Night: Destruction, challenge

May 16, 2008 Midpoint of Fifth Night

Nov. 12, 2008 Beginning of Sixth Day: Flowering, renaissance
May 11, 2009 Midpoint of Sixth Day
Nov. 7, 2009 Beginning of Sixth Night: Resting and fine-tuning
May 6, 2010 Midpoint of Sixth Night
Nov. 2, 2010 Beginning of Seventh Day: Bliss
May 1, 2011 Midpoint of Seventh Day
Oct. 28, 2011 Completion of Seventh Day
Dec. 21, 2012 Cosmic Consciousness, Oneness with all creation

vrijdag 21 maart 2008

me tel u now so u belive me 15 may


friend after 15 may
User ID: 386035
3/15/2008 9:25 AM

me tel u now so u belive me 15 may

me tel u now so u belive me 15 may

many things go wrong 15 may because door opens with portal to dark matters not undestanding earth beings

sharon will dimise be4 15 may

mandela will dimise be4 15 may

thatcher will stroke be4 15 may

japan warring thing will commencecing before 15 may secretely

oil gets very big sickness no use anymore after 15 may

old bush will very sick be4 15 may

cheney will dimise be4 15 june

obama accident before 27 aperil

big sickeness be4 15 may

very moving earth on 17 aperils

oceone not sleeping when heaven things beware many waters to come drown

brown cheat be4 15 may

putin missing after 15 may many worry poeple do crazy things

woensdag 12 maart 2008

Empathy, book of storms


I suggest using the word Empath as a hybrid form of psychic, more of a realistic/grounded version of our potential for extra sensory perception. An Empath is sensitive to the visible as well as the invisible. An Empath reads body language, tone of voice, body movements, the words people choose when they speak, the words they avoid, the logic they use; and the hidden things that only an Empath can sense inside another person. A fully developed Empath reads on what could be considered a 360 degree scope.

maandag 10 maart 2008


Since the beginning of time we have been driven by our Soul to explore ourselves, our thoughts, our feelings, our world and each other. We have attempted to discover who we are and why we exist. This is our journey, a journey of discovery, growth, change and evolution.

The experience of our Earth walk has presented us with many events and life lessons all of which have affected our path of growth and change. In our pursuit of self knowledge and understanding we not only affect ourselves, but we influence the total journey of humanity and our Earth. We alone decide if humanity will take the path of growth and change. Each decision and choice we make along our own paths affects our world and our Earth. In gaining this understanding we recognize that we have a responsibility and a mission to serve our world and our Earth.

The Equinox in March is the time when the Sun reaches the balance point of its path through the zodiac and marks the beginning of a new astrological year. The Sun will cross directly over the Earth’s equator and day and night will be of equal length. The significance of this is that every point on Earth will, for one day, experience 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of daylight.

The Equinox of March 2008 will mark a time where we will begin serving humanity, our world and our Earth with focus and a clear unified vision. Our current destination will have been reached and our search for new clarity will be complete.

Our heightened minds will be infused with light forming a union between our hearts and our minds and creating an etheric bridge between the physical and the spiritual worlds. This process indicates that we have reached a pinnacle in our evolutionary process where negative thinking and fear will begin to evaporate enabling us to move into higher states of consciousness and higher frequencies of energy.

This higher state of consciousness will allow us to return to our original 12 stranded DNA coding and will lead us back to the source of all creation. Previously our 12 strands had merged into 6 pairs of twin DNA and they are now beginning to spiral from these twin strands into 12. This change in our DNA will form a matrix, an energy grid, within us, creating a central link to the source of all light, love and life, The Great Spirit, our Creator. From this central link 12 streams of sound, light and colour with begin to emanate creating a new reality and a new movement of consciousness.

During our evolutionary processes we have been reconnecting our 12 strands of DNA and have now reached a time where we will begin activating these strands. The 12 strands of DNA act as streams of consciousness through which we are able to access the planetary grid, our cellular memory banks and reclaim our natural birthright of love, joy and abundance.

In order for us to understand and activate these 12 streams of consciousness we are required to identify and access the central point within our Soul. This central point is held within our heart space and holds the key to unlocking the origins of consciousness and of self. Knowledge of self and the awakening of the heart are the goals of all Spiritual realization and are what transforms our experience of life and the Universe.

The Great Spirit is a circle, whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. We are a creation from that circle and a circle of creation ourselves. Our Circle, our Soul, has a centre, a sacred point of contact where we as human beings and the Divine meet in a sublime communion.

The centre point of our circle is a void within the sacred sanctuary of our hearts. It is where we experience the light and love of the Great Spirit within ourselves. This empty space embodies the Divine Feminine and it is where the light of the Divine Masculine is held, our Divine Spark. This space is linked to the Void, called the Great Mystery, the place where the Great Spirit lives, and is the place from which all is created and the place to which all must return. This void within our hearts, holding our Divine Spark, is the point of Divine light and life, of Spiritual and Divine consciousness, and it is the hidden self.

Our Divine Spark is trapped in concentric circles of energy and for us to retrieve and bring it forth it is necessary for us to follow these circles of energy back to our centre, accessing, healing and releasing, our damage, wounds, pain and negative patterns of thought and behaviour.

We must pass through the physical, then the emotional and finally through the mental layers of being before we are able to enter into the silent sanctuary within our hearts. These bodies serve to bind our souls to the external phenomena of life and the inner process of entering the center point of the Soul is to draw forth the Divine Spark and come into conscious communion with the Great Spirit, the source of all life, love and power.

The practice of going within and entering this void is one of the most ancient and powerful rites of passage and requires intense attention and awareness. It involves retreating within oneself to consider, meditate, pray and seek Spirit. This practice stimulates our regenerative and healing capabilities and will aid our physical bodies in reconnecting to our primal life force. It is the quest for the Great Mystery and this quest will afford us the energy and the courage we need to give birth to our creations.

The answers we seek lie within our deepest self. Make time now to find them by moving inward through meditation and solitude and open yourself up to the mysteries of the Universe and to the void where all potential exists.

Our inner levels of being are direct doorways to the Universal Void and when we access these levels we are able to create different situations and experiences on the Earth plane. We raise the level of life force energy allowing blockages to be cleared, replenishing our energy and reconnecting to the life force of all things.

At this time the Void is being filled with energy and this energy is the etheric bridge between the Void and the Light creating a powerful Spiritual experience which will initiate communion with the sacred light and the unification of Spirit and Soul energies on another turn of the spiral. It is the alchemical process whereby we become infused with Divine light and wisdom.

This is a time of retreat and seclusion from which you will gain the necessary insight and strength required to move forward on your journey. It is a time of renewed energy, a time of reconnecting with the forces of life and thereby creating transformations in your life.

Be open to the gifts that life has in store for you. Trust the unseen forces that are at work in your life and open yourself up to the realm of Spirit. You are being aided in remembering your Divine purpose so explore and live your dreams for they are the forces that shape your reality. If you do not honour them and follow their lead, you are denying the Divine inspiration in your life.

We are being offered a powerful link to both our inner and higher selves and by moving within we encourage our inner self to speak and to share with us the secrets of our path and purpose.

It is time to accept the promise of hope, unity and abundance that this time brings. Great potential is being uncovered within and incredible possibilities are present in our lives. Many ideas and dreams that have been hidden for years are now revealed. Open your heart and your life to make room for your dreams to take root and the Universe will send the appropriate experiences and opportunities your way.

Remember to aid the disadvantaged and to give thanks for all the blessings offered to you by the Great Spirit, our Creator.


maandag 3 maart 2008

Samadhi: The Height of Divine Consciousness

Samadhi: The Height of Divine Consciousness

Above the toil of life my soul is a bird of fire winging the Infinite.

Samadhi is a spiritual state of consciousness. There are various kinds of samadhi. Among the minor samadhis, savikalpa samadhi happens to be the highest. Beyond savikalpa comes nirvikalpa samadhi, but there is a great gulf between these two: they are two radically different samadhis. Again, there is something even beyond nirvikalpa samadhi called sahaja samadhi.

In savikalpa samadhi, for a short period of time you lose all human consciousness. In this state the conception of time and space is altogether different. For an hour or two hours you are completely in another world. You see there that almost everything is done. Here in this world there are many desires still unfulfilled in yourself and in others. Millions of desires are not fulfilled, and millions of things remain to be done. But when you are in savikalpa samadhi, you see that practically everything is done; you have nothing to do. You are only an instrument. If you are used, well and good; otherwise, things are all done. But from savikalpa samadhi everybody has to return to ordinary consciousness.

Even in savikalpa samadhi there are grades. Just as there are brilliant students and poor students in the same class in school, so also in savikalpa samadhi some aspirants reach the highest grade, while less aspiring seekers reach a lower rung of the ladder, where everything is not so clear and vivid as on the highest level.

In savikalpa samadhi there are thoughts and ideas coming from various places, but they do not affect you. While you are meditating, you remain undisturbed, and your inner being functions in a dynamic and confident manner. But when you are a little higher, when you have become one with the soul in nirvikalpa samadhi, there will be no ideas or thoughts at all. I am trying to explain it in words, but the consciousness of nirvikalpa samadhi can never be adequately explained or expressed. I am trying my best to tell you about this from a very high consciousness, but still my mind is expressing it. But in nirvikalpa samadhi there is no mind; there is only infinite peace and bliss. There nature's dance stops, and the knower and the known become one. There you enjoy a supremely divine, all-pervading, self-amorous ecstasy. You become the object of enjoyment, you become the enjoyer and you become the enjoyment itself.

When you enter into nirvikalpa samadhi, the first thing you feel is that your heart is larger than the universe itself. Ordinarily you see the world around you, and the universe seems infinitely larger than you are. But this is because the world and the universe are perceived by the limited mind. When you are in nirvikalpa samadhi, you see the universe as a tiny dot inside your vast heart.

In nirvikalpa samadhi there is infinite bliss. Bliss is a vague word to most people. They hear that there is something called bliss, and some people say that they have experienced it, but most individuals have no firsthand knowledge of it. When you enter into nirvikalpa samadhi, however, you not only feel bliss, but actually grow into that bliss.

The third thing you feel in nirvikalpa samadhi is power. All the power of all the occultists put together is nothing compared with the power you have in nirvikalpa samadhi. But the power that you can take from samadhi to utilise on earth is infinitesimal compared with the entirety.

Nirvikalpa samadhi is the highest samadhi that most realised spiritual Masters attain. It lasts for a few hours or a few days, and then one has to come down. When one comes down, what happens? Very often one forgets his own name and age; one cannot speak or think properly. But through continued practice, gradually one becomes able to come down from nirvikalpa samadhi and immediately function in a normal way. Generally, when one enters into nirvikalpa samadhi, one does not want to come back into the world again. If one stays there for eighteen or twenty-one days, there is every possibility that the soul will leave the body for good. There were spiritual Masters in the hoary past who attained nirvikalpa samadhi and did not come down. They attained their highest samadhi, but found it impossible to enter into the world atmosphere again and work like human beings. One cannot operate in the world while in that state of consciousness; it is simply impossible. But there is a divine dispensation. If the Supreme wants a particular soul to work here on earth, even after twenty-one or twenty-two days, the Supreme can take that individual into was another channel of dynamic, divine consciousness and have him return to the earth-plane to act. Sahaja samadhi is by far the highest type of samadhi. In this samadhi one is in the highest consciousness but, at the same time, one is able to work in the gross physical world. One maintains the experience of nirvikalpa samadhi while simultaneously entering into earthly activities. One has become the soul and, at the same time, is utilising the body as a perfect instrument. In sahaja samadhi one does the usual things that an ordinary human being does. But in the inmost recesses of the heart one is surcharged with divine illumination. When one has this sahaja samadhi, one becomes the Lord and Master of Reality. One can go at his sweet will to the Highest and then come down to the earth-consciousness to manifest.

Even after achieving the highest type of realisation, on very rare occasions is anyone blessed with sahaja samadhi. Very few spiritual Masters have achieved this state. For sahaja samadhi, the Supreme's infinite Grace is required. Sahaja samadhi comes only when one has established inseparable oneness with the Supreme, or when one wants to show, on rare occasions, that he is the Supreme. He who has achieved sahaja samadhi and remains in this samadhi, consciously and perfectly manifests God at every second, and is thus the greatest pride of the Transcendental Supreme.

zondag 2 maart 2008

uptick in recent earthquake

February 27, 2008

by Holly Deyo


Some of you are noticing a greater uptick in recent earthquake activity
and wondering if this is a real deal or just perception. It's not your

Look at the earthquakes for 2007 (lavender column). Now look at the
darkest purple and darkest green columns. These show the average quake
counts for any year. Why two averages? In September 2003, the USGS
changed what they consider the 'annual average' - some up, some down -
but for continuity, I keep and compute both averages. Either one you
consult shows an elevated quake count.

Where it really becomes evident are the Richter 6 and above events.
Richter 6 is the magic number where elevated quake counts can't be
fobbed off onto having more seismic detection equipment in place or
that they're using more sensitive seismometers. At this magnitude,
their effect is too large to be missed by existing equipment. If you
were talking about relatively small events like 4's and below, or even
5's, yes, this argument could hold true.

Last year saw an impressive five Richter 8 - 9.9
events. Normally there is 1. Year 2000 saw four, but even so, all other
magnitudes except 7's were lower than 2007's. That 2007's mag. 7 and
6's were still near or above the yearly average speaks volumes plus 4's and 5's were really high.
It seems reasonable that all magnitudes below 7's for 2007 should have
fallen off significantly with the bigger quakes releasing such a
tremendous amount of energy.

Whether 2007 was a fluke remains to be seen; at least it was an
'interesting' year. What happens in 2008 will be very telling, but you
might ask yourself, is it time to prepare?


vrijdag 29 februari 2008

In your new life, you are an infant

>>>In your new life, you are an infant. You look at a world that is foreign now, yet also exactly the same. You see, feel, hear and know the mist of change that swirls around inside you.

As you experience your life now, you hear yourself saying, "How did that happen? I wasn't expecting it; I didn't plan it." More and more, things are just happening. You seem to be floating in a sea of possibilities. If you relax into the Flow of the ONE, you can find the Center Current to easily travel to your next destination. This location or experience may be a total surprise, as well as exactly what you have wanted but dared not ask for.

In your new life, you don't ask. Instead, you receive. Possibilities drift before you as though they are sparkles of light on a gently moving stream.

Yes, sometimes your vision blurs and you can no longer see the stream of light. It is then that your hearing diminishes and you no longer hear the quiet flow of possibilities as they impinge upon your heart and mind. It is then that you regress into the "you" that you no longer are, and forget the "you" that you have become. Then, instead of living in the Flow, you find yourself living in the shadow of doubt. Within this doubt are fear, depression, anxiety, sorrow and anger.

Fortunately, in your new life, you can remember to ignore fear and focus on love. You can do this because, in your new life, there is love. This love is not just romantic love or love of family and friends, but love of life. Love of life was not abundant before. You could visit that feeling, but it was difficult to stay.

Now, in your new life, it is fear that is the visitor, and love that resides within you. In your new life, you love all of life because you love ALL of you.

Yes, judgment tries to invade your thoughts, but compassion is the antidote and acceptance the cure. You know this because you understand that all is as it should be in the NOW of the ONE. You also recognize that the Flow must wash ashore that which needs to be removed. Once the obstacles of life were barriers, but now they are that which is ready to be released, that which is ready to be transmuted from leaden fear into golden love. You have patience for this process because while you are ONE with the Flow you are also ONE with the NOW. Hence, there is no "time."

Of course, you still fall out of the flow, out of the NOW and out of the ONE. It is then that you forget that you are ONE with your SELF, your Planet, your Solar System and your Galaxy. You forget that you are no longer a finite person gazing into infinity, but an infinite being gazing into a finite reality. With that forgetfulness, you believe the illusions of limitation and feel the separate from your surrounding world.

In your new life, you have just awakened from a long, long sleep of forgetfulness. Because you have awakened, you no longer believe the limitations, as you remember they are not real. You can also see through the veil of separation, to perceive the ONE.

At first, it was difficult to wake up because you still listened to and cared about what other sleeping ones told you. But now, you have awakened, and you can clearly see those who are awake and those who still slumber. The Sun of a new reality is rising just above the horizon. Many sleeping ones fear the rising Sun, as they still believe that the ending is worse than the new beginning. Fortunately, in your new life, there are no endings. In fact, there are no beginnings. Ending and beginning are finite terms, concepts that created the dreams of your long sleep.

Now, you can dream freely, for you are awake and your dreams are real. You know your dreams are possibilities that travel within the Flow of the ONE, and you can easily step into a dream or choose to step into another dream, another reality. Your choice is made, not by desire, but by surrendering to the Flow of the SELF to whom you have awakened. Your SELF is the rest of you that you didn't know while you were still asleep.

In your new life, your SELF expands more and more each day. Sometimes you still fall out of the Flow, just as a toddler falls between steps. But, like a persistent toddler, you are aware that your new life has many wonders to explore.

Each day, new adventures float into your life. Each day, you take another step into your new reality, your new SELF. When you fall, which you often do, you can hear your SELF encouraging you to continue. Then, when your try again, you can FEEL your inner SELF reminding you that you don't need to try. Instead, you can just relax and surrender to the Flow of the ONE.

When you surrender, you instantly remember that,
in you new life you are an infant.<<<

From the Desk of GraceWatcher
Dr. Paul E. Jones B.A.M.Div.D.D.

Shadow Self by Debbie Ford

Shadow Self
by Debbie Ford

The Shadow Process gives us access to loving all of ourselves. This deep and profound work teaches us how to love each and every aspect of our humanity. It enables us to embrace both the darkness of our smallest self and the brilliant light of our highest self.

Making peace with our dark side is a sacred journey. It demands rigorous honesty, courage and a great deal of compassion. Embracing our shadow delivers us emotional wholeness and the absolute freedom to be who we are. When we are filled with self-love and self-appreciation, we automatically attract the miraculous experience of love and appreciation from others.

What is the Shadow?

The shadow contains all the parts of ourselves that we try to hide, deny or suppress. It is the keeper of all the aspects of ourselves that we dislike and the qualities that we judge as unacceptable.

The shadow wears many faces: angry, critical, fearful, lazy, controlling, selfish, weak, pathetic… These are the faces we don’t want to show the world and the faces we don’t want to show ourselves.

Most of us expend huge amounts of energy trying to get rid of or control these unwanted aspects of ourselves. We hope that by hiding or fixing our "bad qualities" we will have the peace, success and happiness we desire.

Most of us are convinced that we are flawed and inadequate so we become masters of disguise, and go to great lengths to hide our bad qualities from those around us – even from ourselves.

The result of turning our backs on our dark side? A life that slips by only half lived. Dreams that are never realized, or worse, that lay buried under years of resignation and shame. Until we make peace with our shadow we will continue to be at war with ourselves. And our outer world will mirror our inner struggle.

What we resist persists and we will create and attract from others that which we most dislike in ourselves. Until we feel authentic compassion for each and every aspect of ourselves, we will continue to draw forth people and events that will mirror the negative feelings we have about ourselves.

Until we take back our power and forgive ourselves for being human, we will attract people who push our buttons and reactivate our emotional wounds. And until we find the courage to love ourselves completely, we will never truly be able to experience the love from those around us.

We don't need to guess how we really feel about ourselves at the deepest level. All we have to do is look at how the outer world treats us. If we're not getting the respect, love and appreciation we desire from the outer world, it's more than likely we aren't giving these things to ourselves.

This is the benevolence of the Universe in action. The whole world is a mirror of our own consciousness, and when we make peace with the disowned aspects of ourselves, we make peace with the world.

Embracing The Shadow

The process of embracing our shadow side calls us to uncover the gifts and receive the wisdom hidden within each and every aspect of ourselves, particularly the ones that we are ashamed of or embarrassed by.

Rather than viewing our weakness, our smallness, our insecurities or our rage as enemies or as obstacles to moving forward in our lives, this process guides us to embrace our so-called defects as the powerful teachers that they are.

The Shadow Process is founded on the understanding that every quality, every emotion and every experience comes bearing great gifts. Once we learn how to uncover these gifts, we become the powerful masters of our lives.

We develop the ability to transform thoughts, beliefs or situations that once held us back into fuel for our spiritual evolution and the manifestation of our dreams. Embracing our shadow allows us to reclaim the power we once gave away.

When we are at peace within ourselves, our self-esteem no longer depends on the approval of others. Our own sense of self-worth is no longer at the mercy of how other people feel about us.

When we receive the gifts of our dark side, something truly miraculous occurs. Our wounds are transformed into wisdom and the parts of us we once believed to be our deepest flaws are revealed as our greatest assets.

Embracing our shadows is the ultimate act of self-love. There is no greater love than the one that allows us to shine a light on the aspects of ourselves that we have judged and made wrong. Embracing our dark side gives us a new found freedom to be with the darkness in others. For when I can love all of me, I will love all of you. Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior. It takes us to a new place where we can open our hearts to all of ourselves and all of humanity.

Shadow work is not about perfection; it's about integration. It is the path of reclaiming each and every aspect of ourselves and discovering how that aspect can serve us. It requires us to look at our lives from the perspective that we have been given everything we need to fulfill our hearts' desires. And the greatest of these gifts lies hidden in our shadow.

If we look for the gift of our weakness, we may find that it has actually given us strength or that it has allowed us to be supported by others. The gift of our fear might be our determination or our ability to set good boundaries. The gift of an upsetting situation is that it could lead us to read a life-changing book. The gifts of our pain are here for us to receive, but first we must be willing to look for them.

Each of us must make the conscious choice to step out of the belief that we are victims of our lives and open up to the possibility that we have created our particular circumstances for a reason.

We must commit to looking at our lives as though each and every quality, person and circumstance has been drawn to us in order to give us specific insights and wisdom. This requires us to examine each aspect of ourselves and our lives and ask, "Why would I need this? How could this be a catalyst for me to grow and evolve? How could this quality or situation serve me in creating the life I desire?"

Transformation requires nothing more than having a shift in perception. It is choosing to look at our lives in a way that empowers us rather than disempowers us. At its core, this process requires us to make the choice to see ourselves though the eyes of the Divine.

I believe that the shadow is the greatest gift that God could give us. It is the teacher, the trainer and the guide that supports us in uncovering our true magnificence. The shadow is not a problem to be solved or an enemy to be conquered, but a fertile field to be cultivated.

Dig your hands into its rich soil and you will discover the potent seeds of the person you most desire to be. Our most hated, feared or shamed qualities are the ones that hold the key to living the life of our dreams. What the Shadow Process provides is a way to love what we have feared, to decode the messages we receive from within and to unleash the power that is hidden within you.

From the Desk of Anyeot GraceWatcher
Sharing the Oneness of God, Religion and Humanity
Teaching Ancient Wisdom For Today

dinsdag 26 februari 2008

Astavakra Gita

Sunpar, you studied the upanishads, wonderful.

This is from one of my favorites:
Astavakra Gita

Of one's self.


2.1 Truly I am spotless and at peace, the awareness beyond natural causality. All this time I have been afflicted by delusion.

2.2 As I alone give light to this body, so I do to the world, As a result the whole world is mine, or alternatively nothing is.

2.3 So now abandoning the body and everything else, by some good fortune or other my true self becomes apparent.

2.4 Just as waves, foam and bubbles are not different from water, so all this which has emanated from oneself, is no other than oneself.

2.5 In the same way that cloth is found to be just thread when analysed, so when all this is analysed it is found to be no other than oneself.

2.6 Just as the sugar produced from the juice of the sugarcane is permeated with the same taste, so all this, produced out of me, is completely permeated with me.

2.7 From ignorance of oneself, the world appears, and by knowledge of oneself it appears no longer. From ignorance of the rope a snake appears, and by knowledge of it, it appears no longer.

2.8 Shining is my essential nature, and I am nothing over and beyond that. When the world shines forth, it is simply me that is shining forth.

2.9 All this appears in me imagined due to ignorance, just as a snake appears in the rope, the mirage of water in the sunlight, and silver in mother of pearl.

2.10 All this, which has originated out of me, is resolved back into me too, like a jug back into clay, a wave into water, and a bracelet into gold.

2.11 How wonderful I am! Glory be to me, for whom there is no destruction, remaining even beyond the destruction of the world from Brahma down to the last clump of grass.

2.12 How wonderful I am! Glory be to me, solitary even though with a body, neither going or coming anywhere, who abide forever, filling all that is.

2.13 How wonderful I am! Glory be to me! There is no one so clever as me!
I who have borne all that is forever, without even touching it with my body!

2.14 How wonderful I am! Glory be to me! I who possess nothing at all, or alternatively possess everything that speech and mind can refer to.

2.15 Knowledge, what is to be known, and the knower these three do not exist in reality.
I am the spotless reality in which they appear because of ignorance.

2.16 Truly dualism is the root of suffering. There is no other remedy for it than the realisation that all this that we see is unreal, and that I am the one stainless reality, consisting of consciousness.

2.17 I am pure awareness, though through ignorance I have imagined myself to have additional attributes.
By continually reflecting like this, my dwelling place is in the Unimagined.

2.18 For me there is neither bondage nor liberation. The illusion has lost its basis and ceased.
Truly all this exists in me, though ultimately -it does not even exist in me.

2.19 I have recognised that all this and my body are nothing,
While my true self is nothing but pure consciousness, so what can the imagination work on now?

2.20 The body, heaven and hell, bondage and liberation, and fear too, All this is pure imagination.
What is there left to do for me - whose very nature is consciousness?

2.21 Truly I do not see dualism even in a crowd of people.
What pleasure should I have when it has turned into a wilderness?

2.22 I am not the body, nor is the body mine.
I am not a living being. I am consciousness.
It was my thirst for living that was my bondage.

2.23 Truly it is in the limitless ocean of myself, that stimulated by the colourful waves of the worlds everything suddenly arises in the wind of consciousness.

2.24 It is in the limitless ocean of myself, that the wind of thought subsides, and the trader-like living beings' world bark is wrecked by lack of goods.

2.25 How wonderful it is that in the limitless ocean of myself the waves of living beings arise, collide, play and disappear, according to their natures.

dinsdag 19 februari 2008


[quote:astrolabe 376366]

Date: Tuesday, 19 February 2008

This important article was posted over at never_learn.



WITHIN A VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME our sun is going to make the headlines. Discussions once kept for dedicated astronomy groups will enter the hallowed halls of broadcasting outlets like CNN (phonetically pronounced "see an end") and other mainstream media. Predictably, because these points of observation only discuss our human experience by commenting on "effects", and therefore remain ignorant to the causal point of our collective experience, they will inevitably discuss the increasingly strange and unpredictable behavior of our sun in a manner that causes mass fear. Ignorance, and the consequential "ineffectual" analysis it initiates, always causes fear. To believe that our sun would at any point attempt to "hurt us" is to believe that drug dealers are in some way responsible for drug addiction, or that politicians have the capacity to empower people.

During the forthcoming period of our human experience the sun is going to behave in a manner that is both unpredictable and unprecedented. We are going to see an increase in sunspot activity and consequential ejection of solar flares. These flares will impact our planet with such intensity that it will be impossible to ignore. There will be a wide range of consequences, some of them being:

On a physical level this will cause much discomfort and inconvenience to humanities assumption that it is in control of God. Our power grids will shut down, often for days, our near earth orbiting satellites will be damaged, or have to be shut down to prevent damage, and many of our communication systems like cell phones and the internet will experience disruptions. This activity has already commenced; those of you paying attention will have noticed such occurrences taking place in the first week or two of December 2006, especially with our planetary communication systems. The weather will also become increasingly and fiercely unpredictable. This too is now a reality.
On a mental level this will cause confusion within our thought processes; it will be hard to "think straight", to communicate with each other clearly, and even to understand concepts that once appeared straight-forward. Linear-thinking will appear to fail us and logic to miss the mark. We will also experience interference in our memory faculties (short and long term).

On an emotional level we will experience waves of unexpected fear, anger, and grief. People who for the most part appear quiet, sedate, and controlled in their behavior, will become unpredictable. Unexpected emotional outbursts by public figures will become the norm. (These are already happening.) We will feel overwhelmed by emotional states indescribable to us. Emotional conflicts will escalate exponentially between individuals, groups, and countries. Pharmaceuticals that block authentic emotional states will become increasingly popular.

On a vibrational level we may feel "spiritually disconnected" or increasingly aware, depending where our point of focus is anchored.

The media, and all within our human family transfixed by "effects", will have their focus primarily on the above physical consequences of the sun's increasing activity. Because their reaction to these circumstances will be unintegrated and therefore uninformed, this will incite fear. People will consider building underground bunkers and shelters to hide from the sun. Certain governments are already aware of this forthcoming solar cycle and you can be sure movements are underway to build underground facilities in hopes that certain select communities may outlive this imminent solar cleansing.


For the most part our human family will struggle to make a connection between the escalating sunspot activity and the consequential waves of discomfort within our physical, mental, emotional, and vibrational fields. The intent of this article is therefore to preempt these circumstances in a manner that empowers is by providing some simple insight into what is unfolding, how this impacts us personally, and what steps we can take to consciously respond to this solar cleansing. Integrating this information will decrease our fear, empower us to move consciously in sync with this extraordinary event, and thus, through our individual example, to assist others in our field of experience.

The best way to accomplish the intent of this article is to present a play-by-play account of what will unfold as the sun increasingly wipes the slate clean with its solar flares. We shall begin with the sun and work our way inward from there.

A MASS CORONAL EJECTION OCCURS FROM SUNSPOT ACTIVITY THAT IS AIMED DIRECTLY AT EARTH: To begin with, the sun is not "the cause" of anything; the sun is an effect of activity coming from a deeper vibrational level of existence. The sun is "energy in motion" (e-motion), and in this respect is the emotional center of our solar system. The sun is an externalization of our collective and individual human heart center. It is the Heart Chakra of the family within our solar system. When it becomes active it means there is communication coming from the vibrational realm. Just as our heart center is the portal through which we communicate to and receive information from our vibrational field, the sun is this for the entire living entity that we call "our solar system". The perspective that "our sun is doing this to us" is therefore incorrect. Once upon a time we believed the sun orbited the earth, and then we awoke to the reality that the earth orbits the sun. For a long time we have also believed that the sun is the causal point of life on earth.

Now it is time to realize that the sun simply transmits information, like a portal, from the vibrational causal point of all life. The information it transmits enables us to move "in formation" with the vibrational intent Life has for our solar system. When we are unaware of the sun's activity, when we are ignorant of its cycles, we cannot integrate the intent of the pulse of Life within our solar system. Many cultures on earth understand this, though not with as much clarity as we are now about to.

Most cultures only get as far as perceiving the sun as the causal point of their experiences; we are now entering a transformation in consciousness in which we are invited to embrace an even deeper awareness than this: That the sun is merely "a portal" into the causal point of all life. It is therefore a perceptual error to claim that "the sun is trying to hurt us". To believe this is the same as believing the sun is actually moving from east to west across our sky. The sun, like a radio or television set, does nothing of its own accord; it is a neutral system of communication that has to be activated from the vibrational realm to behave in any manner at all. When the sun exhibits a coronal mass ejection that is directed at planet earth, this means information is deliberately being delivered to us from the vibrational realm. When we go into fear we close ourselves off from this transmission and are therefore unable to digest what is being communicated.


Within a short period, usually about two days after the mass coronal ejection is seen on the surface of the sun, the earth experiences geomagnetic storms. It is at this juncture that the physical consequences of the solar event impact us. This can range from satellite damage to disruption in communication and power systems, from unprecedented weather activity to volcanic and earthquake activity. The earth is blasted by radiation (like we do to cancer cells during chemotherapy) and this is visible as auroras; light shows showering the earth from the northern hemisphere. This event is also known as The Northern Lights, and in scriptural prophecy, as "lights in the sky". Because our outer technological advances now override any intent to develop internal communication systems (insight and intuition) we now rely totally on the telephone instead of telepathy.

We also rely completely on the internet over and above the inner infinite wisdom of universal mind. The telephone is telepathy externalized, just as the internet is universal mind externalized. There is no problem in the externalization of these inner capacities; it when we become addicted to their externalized forms in a manner that wipes out all awareness of their inner causal cores that we enter very unbalanced and self-destructive experiences. These specific perceptual imbalances, among many others, will be restored during the solar cleanse we now face. As outer communications are disrupted and break down we either awaken to, and begin utilizing and trusting our internal equivalents, or we lose touch completely. The consequences of loosing touch completely are that we make choices that are self-destructive.

We have also settled in collective masses upon certain places upon the earth, driven by selfish profit margins and mental justification, in a manner that is completely ignorant of the nature of the earth as a living being. This is one of the reasons why we cannot hear the communications coming to us from the vibrational; we have plugged the earth's senses with concrete just as we have plugged our own with outer noise, distraction, and physical addiction. These circumstances are about to be re-aligned with sudden earthly shifts, shrugs, and waves of unexpected weather and water.

If we "listen" we will be informed that we are to move prior to such events. If we are living in an unbalanced externalized manner, through cell phones or inside computer games, it is unlikely we will perceive these inner communications. None of the physical consequences of the solar flares are intended to hurt us; we are already doing this to ourselves. The physical consequences of solar flares are the bitter pill the child of God must swallow because it is experiencing a state of self-inflicted dis-ease. The sun's activity will only disrupt "our personal agendas". When we awaken to the Graceful vibrational intent of this solar activity, we will be grateful this portal is available to be used in this manner so that light may be brought to our ignorance and necessary obstacles to our arrogance.



This activity will continue and intensify for up to 3 weeks after each solar flare impacts the earth. It is within this realm of our experience that we have a capacity to respond to and thus work with the solar cleanse. What we may not yet realize is that there is a direct relationship between the geomagnetic storms initiated by the solar flares and the functioning of our individual and collective memory banks. This is why we initially experience mental confusion after these storms; a condition in which that which appears clear to us - that which we once remembered or recalled - enters a state of turbulence.

Yet, it goes deeper than this: Our memory works on magnetics; we attract memories we like, need, and that are useful to us, and we repel memories that we do not like, don't want to experience, and that cause us fear, anger, and grief. We have all become masters at selective memory; at suppressing certain memories to the point that we are not even aware we have them. And this is not all: Because we have become such mental beings, many of the causal memories that are responsible for imprinting our emotional body with dysfunctional patterns are no longer consciously available to us because they are contained purely as energetic signatures. We cannot read or identify these causal memories because they have no concepts attached to them, and so we place them in "file 13"; as useless information that appears to have no bearing on our current life experience. Also, because our emotional body awareness (felt-perception) is for the most part shut down, we do not have the means to consciously interact with these causal memories even if we want to. (This predicament is what THE PRESENCE PROCESS addresses and empowers us to overcome.)

However, just because these memories are not consciously accessible to us, it does not mean that they are not impacting our life experience 24 hours a day; all our behaviors that are characterized by need and want, by selfishness, by projections of fear, anger and grief, are being triggered directly by these causal memories. Our world experience is in a state of conflict because we, as a collective humanity, are driven unconsciously to behave reactively towards each other and our environment by these suppressed and inaccessible memories. The behaviors triggered by these memories, which are transferred from generation to generation via childhood emotional imprinting, are responsible for all wars, religious conflict, pollution, crime, and every aspect of human dysfunction.

Our current failing is that, because for the most part we lack emotional body awareness, we do not have the capacity to perceive this predicament individually or collectively. Consequently, we behave as if the causal point of our current circumstances and experiences lie within the mental and physical parameters of our experience; we actually think that if we can change the way we think, or rearrange our current physical circumstances through force and technology, that we can restore balance. It is this specific misconception, this perceptual virus, the solar cleanse comes to address. This moment of impending Grace for humanity, which is what this forthcoming solar activity is, has been foreseen and foretold by our Seers for centuries. However, when they tried to explain it to their communities, they were misunderstood because humanity can only comprehend anything according to the parameters of its current personal experience.

This is why THE PRESENCE PROCESS is such an important tool; it widens the parameters of our personal experience so that we can experientially comprehend the following sequence of events:

1. Entering unconscious behavior is inevitable in this dense realm of matter and so the vibrational realm sets up cyclic opportunities for all within this experience to periodically undergo a cleanse of perception and the consequential reawakening to vibrational awareness this cleansing activity triggers.

2. This procedure actually unfolds internally, but all who have their awareness physically externalized and are thus addicted to believing the physical aspect of experience to be the causal point of life perceive these events as happening "out there". The reality is that what appears to be taking place "out there" upon the sun is simultaneously taking place within the individual and collective human heart chakra.

3. The vibrational realm triggers these sequence of perceptual cleansing events by transmitting an intent to cleanse illusion to the sun.

4. In our solar system, and in our externalized experience, this transmission is then witnessed by us as sudden explosive behavior by our the sun; as sun spots that eject flares directed at or near to earth.

5. These flares, among other things, impact earth's magnetic field causing geomagnetic storms.

6. Because the individual and collective human magnetic field is inseparable from the earth's magnetic field, a geomagnetic storm brews upon the face of the earth and simultaneously within the heart chakra of individual and collective human consciousness.

7. This activity short-circuits our individual and collective ability to be selective about what memories we choose to acknowledge and what memories we choose to suppress.
8. This causes deeply suppressed memories to begin surfacing within our conscious awareness; memories more ancient than any current historical record.

9. Because our awareness is addictively externalized, we do not perceive these surfacing memories as "pictures in our heads", but rather as activity "outside of us" that causes increasing discomfort; these memories surface as escalating outer conflict and circumstances in our world experience that cause us fear, anger, and grief.

10. Because our emotional body awareness is shut down we initially perceive and interact with these surfacing memories as "a sense of mental confusion".

11. When we attempt to suppress these surfacing memories in any way, which we do reactively through course of habit, our body is physically impacted. This resistance causes an inner friction which manifests heat. It gets as hot as hell. Accordingly, within three weeks of solar flare activity there is an increase in heart ailments and strokes which are accompanied by individuals exhibiting extreme emotional outburst. It is also during this period that elderly people suddenly enter chronic states and die. It is also during this period that people who are by all accounts healthy suddenly manifest unexpected symptoms of disease.

12. Most people cannot perceive that their sudden experience of outer conflict or bodily discomfort is a reflection of their suddenly increased sensitivity to the authentic condition of their own emotional body.

13. Though reflected as various states of outer conflict, or as mental confusion, or as sudden eruptions of disease within one's own body, the real identity of the deeply suppressed memories that are surfacing are not any of these; they are the emotional signature underlying all these experiences.

14. In other words, energies within the emotional body that have been blocked, suppressed, or functioning dysfunctionally, are triggered directly by solar flares so that they can enter our conscious awareness and be compassionately integrated. Conscious integration of these previously unseen emotional dysfunctions gradually neutralizes the destructive behavior that is at the causal point of all individual and collective human conflict.

15. Those who cannot integrate these surfacing energetic signatures either experience a breakdown in their physical body, to the point that their consciousness can no longer remain within it, or they react self-destructively to the outwardly reflected memories and enter combat with the illusions these surfacing emotional signatures reflect upon their outer experiences. This is what conflict is.

16. In this manner, either through disintegration of the body, or through entering self-destructive conflict with others, all who are living from a point of illusion (being driven unconsciously by unintegrated memories) and cannot resurrect themselves from their delusionary behavior are deliberately and systematically removed from the play of human experience. Seers from our past and present civilizations have prophesized that in this manner it is possible we shall witness between one and two thirds of the earth's population removed by reactive projections to this cleanse; namely, by disease and conflict.

17. Those who respond consciously to the solar cleanse by taking responsibility for their experiences, by cleansing their emotional body so that they maintain mental clarity and physical presence, will be delivered through this shift into a state of a Being upon earth in which we once again collectively acknowledge the vibrational realm as the causal point of all life. This is how The Golden Age is always initiated; not through accomplishment of human technology, nor by the filling of the human brain with ideas and concepts, and nor by dissecting the physical world to try and understand how it works.


What this means is that it doesn't matter whether we are rich or poor, well-educated or not, have status in society or not, and consider ourselves "spiritual" or not. Nor does it matter whether we are Asian, Indian, African, European, or America. Nor does it matter whether we are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or atheist. Nor does it matter whether we are democrat, republican, communist, or green party. Nor does it matter whether we are tinker, tailor, soldier, or sailor. None of our pretences and none of our beliefs about ourselves and about what we think God is can save us from having to face the authentic condition of our own hearts.


We may believe we can continue to hide parts of ourselves from the world, yet, like God, the sun does not care what we believe. This solar cleanse favors only that which is real; that which has authenticity, integrity, and which is able to become as naked and vulnerable as a child so that innocent intimacy with all of creation is reestablished.

There is also no point seeking shelter from this solar cleanse, for if we are in a human body, we come equipped with a personal magnetic field, and this magnetic field is intimately connected to the earth's magnetic field, and the earth's magnetic field responds precisely to the transmissions emitted through the sun. No matter how deeply we dig into the earth, we are still upon the earth. Trying to hide from this experience is like trying to hide from the beating of our own heart, or from our breath, or from the blood that runs through our veins; such reactive behavior is futile.

There are many ways to react fearfully to this predicament, and we shall witness them all unfolding and escalating upon this planet. Yet, there is only one conscious response: To metaphorically turn and face the sun, listen, and absorb. In other words, to metaphorically turn inward and face the authentic condition of our heart, to listen to it, and to absorb the fear, anger, and grief we have hidden from ourselves within this place. Like the sun, our heart speaks to us through our discomfort. It says, "Resist the surfacing discomfort within you and you will burn up in the heat of the consequential friction created by such reactive behavior. Rather face the discomfort and ask: 'What are you telling me, teach me to listen?'."

When we open ourselves to this experience, when we work responsibly with our emotional discomforts with the intent to integrate all surfacing unconsciousness, we also discover that, like the impulses coming from within our heart center, these solar transmissions are imbedded with profound insight and information. They activate us; the rays emitted from our sun as solar flares "enlighten" us just as the release of suppressed emotional states do.

If our heart is blocked, God's words appear as pain. When we hold onto the past, those that would free us appear as devils. When we open our hearts, the very same transmissions become hymns deliberately sung to awaken our souls from a long, cold, and lonely winter. And the hymns tell us, "Little darling, everything is alright."

Also, before we naively buy into any abstract superstitions passed down to us from ancient cultures, let us remember that everything we have observed about any civilization that came before us has been "a record of their decent into ignorance". We do not know anything about the Egyptians at their peak, nor about the Toltecs, Mayans, or Aztecs at their peak. We only think we do.


Once civilizations enter this repeated cycle of solar cleansing, which some say happens every 13 000 years, those that respond consciously to such a moment ascend into dimensions of being incomprehensible to physically transfixed beings. Such ascended beings metaphorically "rise up" and leave in their wake those individuals that make it through the solar cleanse but do not have the capacity to "rise to the occasion". These left-over populations continue on and live within the shadow of "what once was but is now gone". These surviving remnants are the groups of people who are discovered by civilizations yet again on the rise.

This was the condition in which the Spaniards discovered the Mayans and in which the British and French discovered the Native Americans. These surviving groups from ancient civilizations still hold remnants of the knowledge of the solar cleanse, but because of the denseness of the physical world they inevitably resort to behaving as if the "physical experience is the causal point of life"; hence this knowledge once again becomes externalized and encased in outer ritual and ceremony. They then mistakenly believe in "The Sun God", instead of "The Son of God" we all are. Consequently, the Mayans left over from their Ascended Ancestors rip the hearts out of their people to honor The Sun God so that life will continue. They become lost in the metaphor which they ignorantly externalize into physical ritual.


Once we realize this Truth experientially, we know that what we are can never die; then we are reborn into a conscious awareness of eternal life. The sun is not trying to hurt us; do not believe the keepers of "destination consciousness" - those that can only "see an end". Do not react to the fear of ignorance; rather respond to the Grace that now increasingly showers humanity from the vibrational core of all that is Life. Feel what is real and heal.


It is crucial we develop a conscious relationship with the sun before the media starts playing on and feeding off our current unconscious relationship with it. This is easy to accomplish. Bookmark as "Favorites" the following two websites:

Solar Activity Monitor - http://www.n3kl.org/sun/status.html

This site is very useful because it gives us a quick graded intensity report on daily solar and geomagnetic activity. At a glance we can see what is "up" with the sun. If there is something happening and we require more details about it in a language we can understand, we can then go to:

Space Weather - http://www.spaceweather.com/

This website has short articles about all current space weather conditions written in ordinary human language, plus wonderful pictures. If there is a massive solar flare on its way, this site keeps us informed and covers some of the many physical consequences of such an occurrence.

By monitoring the sunspot activity, the subsequent solar flares and geomagnetic storms, and then our own corresponding physical, mental, and emotional activity, we begin to see "a pattern of consequences". This empowers us to know that this is not something "happening to us that we have no control over", or "that this doesn't have anything to do with our daily life experience". We are all intimately connected to each other, to this earth, to the sun, and to the vibrational causal point from which all the currents of life arise. No amount of applied sun-block lotion changes this.










George Harrison


To read more writings by Michael Brown go to:


Sunra Kundalini


I have read most of the thread and compared it to my own experiences with it.

On the LW thread there are several who are experiencing it also.

If you would share your understanding, it would be easier to give a fitting reply.
Also you could then trigger others in sharing theirs.
So we will all learn of each other.

I had my c2 - c7 "opened" in 2000 by master Dang. Afterwards i did/do nothing but practice, like sending and receiving energy, cleaning the body and mind, interacting with reality.

When i had questions i could ask master Dang, telepathically, i was very lucky.

We do NOT work with C1, we are taught this to be very dangerous, when it rises too soon it burns the nervous system. If you feel you are precious you want to be very careful with this energy.

The energy, this Kundalini, it is intelligent. It is very loving and nurturing. No need to be afraid of it.

On the other thread they talk of visions, i do not have those.
I saw most part of the film liquid crystal you recommended and noticed the interest in other realities/dimensions/visions also.

I see this as escaping reality, this is futile, temporary only. Do you understand 3D? It can be very deep.

The energy will force you to take responsibility, to detach, to learn, to let go. It will bring abundance and total freedom. Even freedom from the thought "i am body" and "i am". Then you will be in the Oneness-state.

I like to discuss this state, to go deeper still.

I did not find anyone who experienced this yet. Maybe you will be the first.

Just now i thought of this: When one of you will meet me in this state, then everything i posted will make sense to you. You will be a witness.

zaterdag 16 februari 2008

Inner Peace

Inner Peace

Watch for signs of peace. The hearts of a great many have al­ready been exposed to it and it seems likely that we could find our society is experiencing it in epidemic proportions, which then, of course, could pose a serious threat to what has up to now seemed a fairly chaotic condition in the world.

Some signs and symptoms of inner peace:

Tendency to think and act spontaneously, rather than from fears based on past experiences.
2. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
3. Loss of interest in judging other people.
4. Loss of interest in judging self.
5. Loss of interest in interpreting actions of others.
6. Loss of interest in conflict.
7. Loss of ability to worry. (This is a very serious symptom!)
8. Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
9. Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.
10. Frequent attacks of smiling through the eyes of the heart.
11. Increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.
12. Increased susceptibility to love extended by others, as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.
WARNING: If you have all or even most of the above symptoms, please be advised that your condition of PEACE may be so far advanced as to not be curable!