Hi this is Chani,
I would like to mention and update you on a few things.
The OP and the Elder I'm communicating with have been very scaress the past week. (There is some problem on thier time line)
I will post two things. The first is some things I want you to know and the second part is a very controversial discussion I had with an Elder.
The following is a channeling I recorded from an Elder. The Elder said he would
be back to explain but I've not heard from him for more then a week. Here
is the first and only paragraph I recorded:
" The first thing to understand the YOU, you must understand "Infinity".
The second thing you must understand is "Illusion"
The third thing you must both understand the" infinity of illusion" and "the illusion of infinity"
The forth thing to understand is that the above means nothing and it explains everything.
(This is all I got and the Elder have not come back to explain or elaborate)
There are a few thing which have happened and is happening which I think is
only appropriate for you to know about, so please bear with me in this long
My daughter Chani, is the light of our lives. She is my strength and my wisdom.
I've said before there are miracles happing in our family since the OP arrived but I feel it is now the time to mention a few things for you to know. Chani was borne deaf and dumb, she can not speak or hear and has been
on kidney dialyses for 6 hours a day every three days for the past three years.
If you know the healthcare system in the UK you will know how frustrating this is and NOW she is getting a transplant later in June! we've been waiting three years already.
When this all started I was afraid that she was possessed by some evil spirit or demon. I've seen and read some post here accusing and suggesting the same thin,. I want to tell you, I was wrong in thinking this and so are those for suggesting it. She can now speak in tongues. I still can not understand what she is saying but she is able to make SOUND!.
The OP explained right from the start to us the significance of the place where we stay "Orkney".(Explaining all this is a different post all together and I will try and do it later) but I will say this.Where you were borne and living right now in these "end" times is TOTALLY due to your karmic burden. I understand and accept this know as a fact of life.Living in a "safe place" does not mean you are fortunate, enlightened or elite, it means you are in the best place possible to learn from the experience yet to come. You are where you need to be for further growth to the Grace of the One.
Now here is the controversial part which both shocked and enlightened my existence. Nothing and I mean nothing shocked or prepared me for this. Please don't judge me as Nazi or some evil. I'm only relaying what I've come to understand from communication with an Elder.
He mentioned how our history was totally wrong in our history books. Especially relating to Hitler!
He said Hitler tried to eradicate earth of an evil genetic generation of evil beings that was hindering the evolution of all human beings on earth. If Hitler succeeded we would today already be in a cosmic union and alliance with our
galactic counterparts and entities.The elder explained that Hitler, or rather the entity that possessed Hitler, was actually the good or catalyzing force for our planetary transformation. The elder explained that "we" need another Hitler to "save" us and our thinking of love. Love is both the most righteous,balancing and misunderstood concept in our current existence and understanding.. He said there is no second coming of a "Jesus" but there is a second coming of the "Hitler entity" and that Hitler entity is already born and living among us for some time now and will come forward soon. Death and cruelty is a Gateway we still need to grasp the significance of. Everything else is a deliberate prolonging, distraction, deception and illusion of working with so called light or workers with light.
A light that is wrong in so many ways it is setting our evolvement back for centuries. Receiving inspirational light messages from beings from the astral will not help us still living on the physical. The OP is not from a higher or astral dimension but from a parallel dimension very similar to our own that have gone through this. The Elders say we must not trust the astral beings ever! they(Elders) have first hand experience of the deception of so called enlightened astral beings.
Light has turned into Ego and manipulation and also the agenda of the esoteric plan of deception amongst physical systems(solar systems) . Ego is borne out of light and a misconceive illusion of enlightenment. It is time for us to stop using the term love as a justification for the actions by our ego. We now falsely believe light is somehow a forgiveness or a "let out Free" of our Karmic burden. Light and Love is our final test and subsequently our final failure. There is no savior or escape clause from our karmic burden.Light has no value when it existence or origin concept is born from darkness. Our human history is born from an convicted darkness enhanced by to religion and delusional new age thinking. We are "convicts" on a prison planet and time.The light is our last and final hinder to true oneness with the Creator energy. Our existence is from dark matter by the Creator. Thinking you have light is a contradiction. Enlightenment comes from the darkness of silence. Silence and servitude is the only truth.
Once we realize this enlightenment is forthwith. There is no light without darkness but there has always been darkness without light.. Understanding the nature of darkness and its purpose for harmony is the lesson we, you and me, need to learn from this "prison planet: time and incarnation. Only then will the Creators true light be known to us that this place is not where we should be.
The light ONLY comes when darkness ENDS and NOT before. We've not overcome darkness yet so there is no light here, however our prison term is ending.. You and me are all here to serve out our darkness(conviction).
Once our sentence is over will we be welcomed back to the true light. Our hell is a true holy war and we are in the final phase of harvesting our beliefs and returning on the path of the One.
Love Chani. (Please don't judge me. I too have some difficulty and is a skeptic with the above)
woensdag 4 juni 2008
zondag 1 juni 2008
6/1/2008 4:37 AM Trinity
OP, how can we be ready in spirit mind and body?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 439732helo 439732
first me try xplain mind body spirit
me xplain true trinity
trinity is mind body and spirit
trinity is farther child and mother
yor sumerian symbol of sumeria queen is dove
yor religion leaders long ago decide not use female 4 church leaders and leading
so they remove female esence from child and remove mother esence from spirit
they then say trinity is father son and spirit al male esence
this was to distrct deceive to change church and religion 4 male control only and dominating
that were al yor religion go wrong in history
farther is the mind
son daughter or child is the body
mother is the spirit ok
the mother spirit esence is the balance is the harmony is the glue
the mother is between the farther and son or child
the spirit is between mind and body
religion without mother spirit esence is not spiritual but false teachings 4 control
trinity is the family of life
trinity is sum experince of mind body and spirit ok
now me try xplain how get ready mind body spirit
make ready yor mind understaning whatever hapens
make ready yor spirit aceptance whatever hapens
make ready body not 2 fear 4 death body not real u only vehicle u
me unerstan many u more scare pain of death than death itself this only body scared not real u
if death was painles then many more would partake ok yes no
dimising is not ending but new begining progres
death is progres is grow
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