zaterdag 16 februari 2008

Master Dang

For those interested i want to introduce you to "my Master".

His name is Master Dang, a vietnamese, i study with him since summer 2000 until now.
I no way i have his level, he lives in a reality i can only guess about.

He taught me many things.
The first lesson was healing the body and helping wandering souls.
Then he told me to prepare, get clean, clean the mind, do research. Also to apply the techniques learned. Healing, clearing polluted water, telepathy, meditation, sending and receiving energy.

Then he asked me: "Do you dare to do it?".

He challenged me big-time, he is a lot of fun. He asked me and then he laughed, i just had to laugh also, he is like that. He laughed because he knew what would happen, i laughed because he did, i had no idea.

The school is called different names, like MEL (Mankind Enlightenment Love) or SHY, Spiritual Human Yoga)
Like me there are 4 million students, centers in more them 67 countries, ready to help humanity, all on their own mission. Having their own unique link with him.
So you do not worry about healing.

If you want to investigate here is the dutch site.
This is the international site: