woensdag 8 april 2009

Ego vs Self

Ego vs Self
Review Data On the Ego

The negative ego is; a piece of the mind, (mostly causal body), that is caught in a grid of fear, lack, powerlessness and separation from Source. It interprets your experiences from it's fear based perspective and reacts to those interpretations with agendas called "ego missions."

At the heart of every ego mission is the need to GET something the ego feels it lacks and the means will always be some form of domination of self and others.

Once it has formed these reactive perceptions, ego screens out everything that contradicts what it believes and selects and delivers to you the information that supports and reinforces its interpretations.

The ego commandeers, (you allow it), your mind, emotions and body to serve its fear based agenda. Your entire life can be about serving your fear based ego drives, rather than your soul's purpose.

Towards this end, the ego is a perpetual motion machine. It keeps you on automatic, going through the motions of its program. The more you are in ego, the more mechanical, dull and numb you'll feel. It doesn't want you to stop and ask "Why am I doing this?" "Am I happy?" "Is this fulfilling?"

The ego never truly grows or changes. When you are in ego you feel stuck, caught, stagnant.
It drives you with its incessant ultra negative talk, ("I'm a worthless piece of crud. No one could ever love me"), and ultra positive talk, ("I am the BEST! I am THE GREATEST! I don't need your lowly love!") Its voice is the constant yammering in your head that drowns out the voice of the soul and the self.

The ego knows it's not equipped to run your life. It always feels inadequate and in a panic.
Your ego always makes promises it can never deliver and you keep buying it.

Review Data On the Self

The self is the soul extended down into and expressing through the lower vehicles of mind, emotion and body. The self is the vehicle of the soul in the world this lifetime.

The self functions in dominion rather than domination. Rather than forcing others to give you what you want, you, as self, source, create and earn your own.

The self can learn from every experience and use it to grow. The self is non-reactive, self responsible and at cause and is, therefore, ALWAYS growing.

The self serves the soul's mission and is able to be still, focus within and hear the soul's voice.

The self is inspired to do, not programmed to do.

The self is authentic, with no need to hide certain qualities and display others. Self is capable of honest self assessment of strengths and weaknesses.

The self is capable of deeply creative thought, feeling and action.

The self is capable of giving and receiving true, unconditional acceptance and love. The self is capable of great intimacy, caring and vulnerability. The self is able to deeply connect with God, others, Life.

The self seeks to express its excellence and uniqueness, rather than to be perceived as superior and special.

The core of the self is the soul, but your uniqueness as a self is determined by how your soul translates into human experience this lifetime; The knowledge, skills, talents, interests, passions, ethics, beliefs, traits and idiosyncracies that are distinctly, uniquely you.
The self experiences esteem, worth, confidence, peace, sufficiency and personal power and joy.

c.Lyran Sun 2000