woensdag 8 april 2009

Why Negative Forces Seem to Respect Freewill
montalk.net » 16 July 04

There are many ways negative forces can influence targeted individuals. Two common methods are through reality manipulation and matrix agents. This article discusses the important roles freewill and awareness play in such cases, which may explain why negative forces often maneuver the way they do. Matrix Agents: Profiles and Analysis and True Reality Creation provide background material for this article.

[b]Reality Manipulation[/b]
Reality manipulations consist of acausal changes in one’s reality, performed by hostile hyperdimensional beings (4D STS) who reside outside one’s realm. The acausal changes occur when the target is moved about the temporal plane spanned by the axes of linear and phase time. Linear time measures the progress of our perceived sense of time while we reside in third density, and phase time measures movement from one timeline or dimension to another.

Reality manipulation is identically a process of either moving an individual to a new spot on the temporal plane, or of merging his timeline or dimension with another that fits the engineered requirements of a 4D STS agenda. The difference between moving to a new timeline or having one’s timeline merged with another is merely a matter of perspective. Being shifted about the temporal plane means an individual’s conscious locus is moved to a new timeline, complete with new memories of the past and possibilities for the future. We are accustomed to thinking causally and within the framework of linear time, that outside forces can influence us only in the sense of affecting our possible futures, but some are equally capable of affecting our possible pasts.

[b]Freewill Preventatively Hinders Reality Manipulation[/b]
The individual cannot be moved to just any new location on the temporal plane if he has freewill. His freewill anchors him to all points upon the temporal plane of which he has awareness. These elements remain tied to him, and he is likewise tied to them. Any attempts by 4D STS to manipulate such elements automatically places them in direct engagement with his freewill, for such elements are anchored to his freewill via his awareness.

To avoid this engagement, reality manipulations tend to occur upon elements that are not tied to his freewill, those of which he is unconscious. This is why attacks come from the shadows, from where they are least expected.
When Prevention Fails[/b]
Sometimes engagement is unavoidable, then a secondary tactic of disinformation is used. An individual with false knowledge is at greater peril than one who has no knowledge because his freewill is then tied to pseudo elements, ones which are not firmly rooted in immovable objective reality. These elements provide artificial handles upon his reality, graspable by those who created the disinformation. But this no longer involves acausal manipulation, but rather causal distraction and diversion.

Nevertheless, it greatly behooves 4D STS to ensure that targets remains as na“ve as possible so that their reality includes a greater portion of freely manipulable elements.

[b]Clue Dropping[/b]
That targets are encouraged to remain na“ve may appear contradictory to the fact that some matrix agents tend to purposely clue-drop, waving warning signs in the face of their targets before proceeding with further infiltration. The clues can be anything literal or symbolic. Literal clues include warning phrases said in seeming jest, their personal history, and behavior. Symbolic clues are ironic and may appear in their names, word choice, and synchronicities related to them. Whatever it may be, it provides a clue that the target is in danger, much like the warning colors of a poisonous plant or the hiss of a snake. If the target ignores the clues, then the agent proceeds with the next step. Each dropped clue is a subtle way of asking permission to get closer. Any ignorance of that clue is permission granted.

The question is, if 4D STS require that an individual has no awareness of certain elements of reality in order for them to be manipulated, then why do agents purposely drop clues and risk the individual gaining more awareness? Why risk revealing their agenda by giving hints? The answer is that while reality manipulation is an acausal phenomenon that happens outside one’s realm and therefore beyond the engagement range of a target’s freewill, agents are within one’s realm and automatically in direct engagement with an individual’s freewill because of their sheer physical presence in one’s environment. Once freewill is engaged, what applied to acausal reality manipulation becomes defunct.
Why 4D STS Subvert Rather Than Violate Freewill[/b]
All this becomes clear with the following realization: that 4D STS sometimes cannot, and other times choose not, to violate the freewill of a target. There are two ways to avoid violating freewill: either don’t engage it in the first place, or do only what the target permits. Reality manipulation occurs from outside one’s realm, and so freewill is not engaged in such cases, so there is no freewill violation. Agents, because they are in one’s realm already and in engagement with a target’s freewill, have no choice but subtly ask permission if they wish to not violate freewill or are not able to do so.

They cannot violate freewill in cases where they are engaging a freewill that is more powerful than theirs. This includes cases where an individual is stronger than they are, or where he has divine protection whereby sovereign beings intervene and overpower the lesser manipulators. It also includes cases where the freewill of multiple beings is anchored to the same reality element and reinforces it beyond the manipulability threshold of 4D STS. This is why although our timeline or reality can indeed be changed, there are limits to what they can change. They cannot change the entire timeline as they please, only elements that are relatively non-anchored.

Then there are cases where they are able to violate freewill, but choose not to. The reason is complex but will be explained here.

[b]Realm Dynamics[/b]
According to the Cassiopaeans, realms are divisions of reality based on experience and assumptions. Beings in different realms have different assumptions about reality and will have different experiences; those in the same realm will have similar experiences. The more a group of beings interact with each other, the more their realms merge. Two beings in completely different realms will rarely interact with or perceive each other. Realms are basically fenced off from each other according to the FRV or frequency resonance vibration of an individual. FRV is the strength and tone of his soul vibration based on the level of his being, which in turn depends upon his level of knowledge and direction of evolution, which is tied to his assumptions and experiences. Realms also measure the engagement range of one’s freewill, and so entering a person’s realm means engaging his freewill.

Because two beings from completely different realms cannot directly interact with each other, for them to do so there must be a common element or bridge formed between their realms. One way of looking at this is to think of the common element as a frequency bridge that provides resonance between the two and allows transfer of information and energy. If both have a unique spectrum of fundamental vibration that would ordinarily share no common component frequencies, then the frequency bridge is the introduction of a common fundamental tone between the two realms. 4D STS exist in an extremely negative realm and are thus usually barred from perceiving or interacting tangibly with an individual that is of a completely different realm. In order to manipulate him in any way, they must use a frequency bridge which normally is the individual’s own negative emotions. These negative emotions provide a frequency sub-spectrum that is in resonance with the realm of 4D STS and allows them to penetrate his realm and interact with him on some level. The more his realm is in resonance with theirs, the more they can manipulate him, and the more objective their manipulations will appear. If their realms becomes virtually identical, then he is under their complete control and is part of the STS hierarchy.

Because realms are projected divisions of one’s FRV, and the FRV is a product of one’s being, it is mainly through a change in being that the realm changes. Negative forces who require a reality bridge would prefer the target’s being change toward a more negative frequency. This would open his realm to easier penetration. So what does it take to change being? Beingness can only be changed by the individual himself, by freely choosing to make negative choices which lower his frequency and align him with the STS evolutionary current. Anything that happens to him which violates his freewill does not change his being for the following reason:

Freewill is about choice, and one learns by facing the consequences of one’s choices. If a situation arises that does not violate freewill but rather offers choice, then if the individual later regrets making a choice, it is entirely his own fault for having done so. Furthermore, the lesson he learns, had he learned it earlier, would have allowed him to make a different choice. In other words, it is because choice was given that his lesson has any value at all. If he were given no choice – his freewill thus being violated – then nothing he could have learned earlier would have made any difference, and thus it wouldn’t be a lesson at all. Therefore, freewill violations do not result in lessons for the individual, and without learning anything, his being does not change. Without a change of being, the FRV and realm boundary remains relatively unaffected.

Therefore, those who seek to influence a change in a target’s realm toward a more palatable frequency must necessarily respect his freewill. All they can do is offer choices, biasing the choices so that the individual is more likely to choose the negative option and therefore tarnish his being. Biased as they are, as long as they are still choices, his freewill is not violated. It’s amazing what degree of manipulation can be done which does not qualify as a freewill violation, for “permission” is a broad term.
