zondag 16 december 2007

ZetaTalk, 15dec07

De Zeta's channelen info via Nancy op godlikeproductions . In dit stukje hebben ze het over de tijdlijn voor de veranderingen aan de aarde. Ze voorspellen in deze chat ook een fenomeen dat wereldwijd invloed zal hebben. Dat zou rondom de kerstdagen plaats vinden. Ik weet het niet, alles is mogelijk. Deze voorspelling kunnen we in ieder geval binnen een paar weken zelf controleren

We stated that the last weeks would occur WITHIN a trimester, which is a 4 month period. We stated that these last weeks could encompass a severe wobble, a lean to the left so the Earth almost seems to lay on her side, the 3 days of darkeness when the northern hemisphere points away from the hose of magnetic particles coming from the N Pole of Planet X which lies in the direction of the Sun, the 6 days of sunrise west during the time the Earth overcompensates while tipping away during the 3 days of darkness and thence rights itself, and the slowing to a stop over a period of weeks, and finally the week of rotation stoppage. Tabulate the time involved, and there are SEVERAL weeks involved. Just when within a trimester the severe wobble that will lead to 3 days of darkness ensures, we will not detail. We are always trying to keep the establishment off kilter, lest they attempt to impose martial law and murder millions of innocents. One person’s severe wobble would not be another’s severe wobble. YOU watch the signs and decide.
Vrede - Hans