woensdag 30 januari 2008

Mark Krueger - Astrology Jan 2008

Karmic Astrology
January 2008

Leap, Look, Listen and Laugh

YOU ARE ON THE EDGE OF OBLIVION. We all are. You are no longer the self that you knew. You are you, your being, your own consciousness. All the rest is a dream, high and low, in and out. The Dream is now upwelling 26,000 years worth of encrusted karmic stories and archetypal shadow bits... like there's no tomorrow. The End Times, and all its variations on extinction, are now in full noise. Oblivion is here. It's Leap Year. Like it or not, you are going to leap. I say be intentional, otherwise push will come to shove and we know what happened to Geronimo...

In February, we enter the year of the Rat. Isn't that special, as the Church Lady used to say. How fitting, hissy fitting. Ratsa ruck with this one. All the powermongers will be ratted out as the royal rats that they are. False mudslinging of all sorts shall fly about like the finger in Yellow Submarine.

Pluto is dancing in and out of Capricorn, until it makes full entrée for Thanksgiving Day... and then will stay for fifteen years. The Reaper is here. It is Judgment Day. All the Hoarse Men of the Apocalypse rage on with their peddlings doing their meddlings, but they shall burn in the hell of their unconscious projections and the weight of their profound ignorance and arrogance. The Shift has hit the fantastic indeed. Power is crumbling. You can be yourself. If you aren't being yourself and you are depending on power, you are fucked.

You don't have to be fucked anymore and you can be... be. The end of the Piscean Age also means the end of its shadow: Virgo, our dear poster child of the victim stories that just so happen to line the nest of Creation and all its high and low and great grey middle dramas. You don't have to be a victim anymore.

In the Aquarian Age, you can be yourself. The shadow will be dear Leo. Everybody will endlessly act like an entitled baby about everything in their life. We're already well underway on that one. The drama will ramp up even higher on the glorious rags to richesesque stories, but it'll be more like mellowdrama. Everyone gonna be their own unit, hell, we already have scads of numbers on us and I reckon there are three sixes in the lot. We'll be a unique number in a bunch of numbers. Ain't nothin' new about that one if you really see into things.

The hitch is where ya be sleepin' and sheepin'. If you are unconscious, the tractor beams of psychic/psychologic/physiologic implants of all the most common to the weirdest will alight on your dreamy ass and kick it, kick it right down the proper sociologic chute that has been prepped for you in this monocropped consumption machine of the fascistic lockstep whirled order. You have noooo idea and they have tooooo many and much more will be revealed. Paranoia and conspiracy theories just happen to apply really well during such kaliyugaed daze as our own.

Be yourself and do what you want to. Cut out the middlemen, the projections, the unconscious ruttings. Live the art of your life, if you choose. You can manifest through your own intention for what you want. It has no side effects other than the usual comings and goings of Creation. If you use the Secret and energy and Laws of Attraction, you dumb way down and get all this toxic cords and crap, just like using dumb power in the world.

Life as we know it is crumbling in most every way. Let it. Props won't get you to heaven to be with the good mommy/daddy. They'll just exhaust your being and keep you in trance. This is a sorrowful time. Mourn and onwards. Choose how you want your world to be locally on a daily basis. It's called being conscious. That's all we have to do.

Pope Gore and the selling of carbon credit indulgences aren't going to solve much of anything. It only enables the junkies. We'll all be hitting various ENOUGH ALREADY moments in our own lives. The Pluto in Capricorn era will offer much, much easier dissolution of squirrelies gone wild in us. The deepest core stuck bits will cling even tighter, but are brittle and they will pop off with intention and time. But we can shed old baggage now. Capricorn is a dying field. Let the weight/wait come off.

So, Oprah... give me a call.

Tons and tons of folks are going to be dying... your loved ones and associates and all. It just comes with Capricorn. Folks is tired! They be going to the promised land cuz it was a bit much here in the compromised land. The squeeze is on. The archetypal death was at birth. That is what is going to cook everywhere. People will think that if they go out the in door and check out of their bodies, it'll solve their karmic patterns on the way out. Sorry gnarly. Just more karma. Suicide will be very common. It'll be evident that many activities of life and persona are indeed suicide in other guises. Way more is gonna be revealed... one of the many tsunamis of unconscious material that will be waving through lives. If you haven't faced your shadow, how do you think you'll face the massive collective crasheroos? Claim your own consciousness and clear your own karma.

The Divine will be outed during Capricorn. Capricorn carries the Divine more than any other Sign. The Divine is an unconscious projection with a shit load of Good put upon it. There's nothing ultimately bad about the Divine, nor is their anything good. Once the Divine's power collapses on its own karmic weight in the years ahead, all the Bad will have to puke out. The Roman Church's and the fundamentalist's outings are just the beginning. Much more will be revealed including new age powermongers and the spiritual. There is currently a considerable wave of anti-theocracy. Go for it. Reveal the sludge. Let it dry up and blow away. (Science is also a religion.) So much ignorance has gone into the bliss machine. Now it pukes out the other end... The big Wheel keeps on turnin'... the masses keep on churnin...

It is election year in USA. As Swami Beyonanda points out: the Farce is with us. There'll be the January instant circus and then likely it'll settle out and there'll be a dull slog in the mush field of purposeful trance making. The sideshows of nitty gritty politics will be wild and crazy. Some kind of revolution is on. We have no idea what forms it will take. Hanging on to your ass will make you feel like... your ass. So pull your thumb out and start hitchhiking through your life. If we be getting through these Rapids, it'll by adventuring, looking, listening and laughing.

I said three plus years ago that Hillary would be elected President this year. I don't expect either Bush or Cheney to be in office by the time Hillary takes her seat. I suspect that they are taking notes from Putin and aren't going to fade away just cuz there was some election. That hasn't stopped them in the past. All manner of mad ups and downs in markets and politics and climate/earth stuff will careen or career, as the Brits say. Abandonment, betrayal, loss and limitation will dominate the patterns. This is nightmarish.

Astrologically, the shift from Pluto in Sagittarius to Capricorn is the most significant story. All power will collapse on its inherent powerless. Control and out of control will be major themes. Much death and miracles will abound. Huge swings and waves with sheer drama cliffs of the imagination will crash about, real or not and most surreal beyond the pale. Conspiracies galore will be realized to have been true. Extinction will be so rapid for so many species and it will get our attention in a big way. Getting our intention to a simpler and much more fulfilling life is foremost on our screens. A lot of dead wood has to fall off first before we can get the fullness of equality and equanimity that the Aquarian Age offers. I hope we leave a few species still standing in their own nature.

Numbness will be the primary modus operandi. We've all been desensitized in so many ways. Capricorn is the most sensitive Sign. When it gets chronically ignored, when no one is being with it, it goes to power... higher power, all kinds of higher powers. And that is what it is famous for. Symptoms I say. It is time for the inherent sensitivity of being to manifest in the world and especially in boys and men in a much more conscious and playful way that will integrate. If men/boys don't wake up, we'll get way more of the same and that is doom indeed. Mama let your boys grow up to be cowboys who say hi to their friends on Brokeback Mountain and can meet women where they are.

A whole lotta silly, crusty, habitual judgment and all the sociologies that all of that entails, will be melting. That means it gets worse as they say before it gets better. What actually goes on is that you get conscious and then you make new choices and all of that takes time downstream to see results. They'll come. Being is trustworthy. The stuff of the Dream... it always all ways comes and goes.

For starters, January has a shift in the first week wherein the Moon's Nodes shift from the North Node being in Pisces, into it being in Aquarius. This is exactly the Piscean/Aquarian Age shift point. That shift is taking place over a continuum of a number of years. This is just another milepost of the shift, but a very important one. You can be less depressed for one thing and less of a victim too. Consider letting that shift happen in your life. Consider intending for just such a thing.

New Moon 1/8/08 at 3:37 am PST. Full Moon 1/22/08 at 5:35 am PST. Venus and Mars oppose 1/19 at 7:10 pm PST. All the loneliness of all time is coming up. Therefore the love stories and gender war material will rise like magma. Beautiful geometries are going on in the background. From here on out, everything will be awful and wonderful all the time. That's the way it always is. Now we can realize it.

The Sun enters Aquarius 1/20 at 8:44 am PST. Waves of shock, crashings, and disintegration with fascist reactions will be flying everywhere. It'll look like the politics in the external, but there'll be just as much internal. The worst stuff is going to be inside people. What isn't faced there is projected out into the collective. So much is up in the air. So much will be flying around. It becomes difficult to point to anything that is changing when everything is changing.

We can't really proceed with plans until we get a taste of Pluto in Capricorn, which it enters for the first time since the 1750's, at 7:44 pm PST pm 1/25. It'll back out in June and return fit it's fifteen year stint on 11/25/08, noticeably after the USA election. Traction will be much better with an Earth Sign than when Pluto was in Sagittarius. Since 1995 we've been trying to build our lives on brimstone. Now you can get on with things. Whether you'll care or care in the same way, that's another story. Depression is the disorder order of our day. So much more of that, with the inevitable explosion of all that internalized rage sooner rather than later, will predominate.

This election and who is elected will be the same old same old business as usual. The 2012 election will have Pluto in Capricorn and that president will be more forward. This one will be a fence sitter supreme with the best and worst of the old and new worlds and that will add up to grey goo. Likely they'll get a split congress at mid term and who knows if we have a spoiler third party candidate that makes it all interesting in a dumb way during the election.

I say let's have a constitutional convention and refresh our society and country. But most folks are dumber than a bag of hammers and civics is rocket science to them. This is a dying civilization and we will be going Asian like it or not. Manifest destiny was America's for a turn on the Wheel. Now comes the next force on the planet. The profane ignorance of Americans will be a major factor in this society's dissolution. I think ignorance will catch up with Asia more quickly and will lead to the end of superpowerdom(dumb).

Mercury goes retrograde 1/28 at 12:31 pm PST and will go direct 2/18. Mars goes direct 1/30 at 2:33 pm PST. It'll be almighty thick in this coming and going of a week!!! Everything seems to be breaking. Our power and vanity are catching up with the costs of replacement and maintenance on our high priced lifestyles. Simpler will be the way to go if you want your life to be easy and light. If you want a fight, hang on to your crap.

Folks will be suffering in the shred. Up mounts their dread. Any denial or transcendence will lead to instant karma. More of the same old same old...


Power and control will only sink you deeper in the morass and you'll act like more ass. People are going to be crunching on this thick karmic control sludge. That's why it'll look like way out of control at times. We are going out of control and into choice. The transition looks like out of control in your personal and our collective lives. Choose and let go of control. You have to be conscious to do that. Most people aren't conscious, nor will they be. It's just a crabs in the bucket, bell curve artifacts of the software. Dumber is as dumber does... unfortunately. More splits in awareness and wealth will persist for many years yet. It's always like that, but remember: you don't have to be smart to be conscious. Everybody is their own consciousness. We'll see how much they show up or not.

There's not a lot to predict this year because it is veiled by this shift of Pluto into Capricorn. Keep on comin' back for my writing and tell yer friends and neighbors. I'll be writing much more about all of this. Once we get into February, I'll have a much better view on the situation. I'll share what I see. I'll be getting some new web sites up in '08. I'm shifting from being primarily an astrologer to being an interpreter of karma for the collective and for my clients. I'll be changing a lot. So will you. I can help you with that, if you like.

This is a very elegant year. You can manifest so much of what you want, but you have to be yourself. If you are doing yourself and your life, you won't be able to do yourself and life. I say enlist your intention now. The draft will be cold and harsh as the year goes on. It gets easier if you are claiming your own consciousness. It'll get harder if you are chasing after the projections of the mind.

Do enjoy Leap Year. You get an extra day to pay the rent in February. The Year of the Rat will be smart and clever. Gnaw through what binds you. Summer Olympics in China will be humungous. Likely it'll be more important than the US election. Pluto backs into Sagittarius 6/13, Friday the Thirteenth. Competition and all our lying/cheating and stealing athletes will be in full glory. Sham and shame on display, as well as the furtherance of the attainment dream that is especially American and Chinese.

The proof will be in the Putin. That feller is sheer evil, so sheer that it's beautiful in a way, like fighter jets. Anywho, he'll be mucking around. The oil/gas wells will start coming up short all over the world. I highly recommend that you see the film: There Will Be Blood with Daniel Day-Lewis. It captures the shadow that is burning off at the end of the Piscean Age with the mad fossilistic Christians and the mad sucking of old fossil life muck called petrol. Global warming is likely to flip into global cooling in some shocking ways during the Pluto Capricorn decade and a half. So much life is going to die. We are getting conscious of the utter degradation. It'll still take years until we hit bottom in our behavior.

Meanwhile, incredible and wonderful really cool inventions, techniques, synergies and integrations will take place ongoingly. TV as we know it will die. In January 2009k, old tvs won't work anymore without a adapter. It's all high definition from here on. The trance will deepen. Life is going totally virtual. This is part of the death that is inherent in life.

We are manifesting really cool ways to do business. The corporation will begin to die. Business can be a very conscious activity and playful too. Arts and such are morphing at light speed. I'm not sure we'll ever catch up. There'll be the high priest class that handles the virtual magic. Castro will die and there will be huge pressure for the US to invade it and Venezuela. These are some big time messes. I don't see any solutions for years, likewise with the war on drugs. Hemp will get legalized defacto. Extraterrestrials and interdimensionals will get mainstreamed.

The economies are a total mess and are extremely impossible to predict. Up and down to an extreme is what I see. No rest for the wicked. All these derivatives and paper financial instruments, some of the core problems of Enron et al, will wreak havoc. It is a house of paper cards and depends on trust. Once again the trust has been severely abused and the house of cards is decked out high and mighty. Fall they will and prop they will and finally they'll exhaust the entire system and revolution will take place. How it will land will take many years to sort out. This is a biggie. Keep the victory garden going if you like, but the mass collapse of society will be dodgeable if you are conscious.

Disease is mounting as the year goes on. We'll be watching major plagues and starvations it looks like in the years ahead. It'll ramp up by summer. Maybe the dark forces wanna pull out a little Asian flu in time for the Olympics. Economic war is the war of the present and future.

Speaking of which. War goes on. There are big profits in managing the show, destructing or constructing. It'll get pitifully worse with occasional bright spots. Dreariness will prevail. The old tribal shit is thick and sick. Resources are going to be lacktating. The teat will seem dry rather than full. Things are going to suck. Sibling quibbling will mount in the family and in the family of mankind. It's all stupid, pointless and unnecessary, but that never stopped us before. I sense that this is the real uncorker and if we're lucky, we will get sick and tired of being sick and tired and to be paying so much for so called health care that doesn't care and doesn't health. It'll all have to gangrene and compost and that's a sickening mess for awhile.

On the lighter side, Jesus will land and take all the sinbelievin' Christians with him. Amen and hallelujah. Just kidding.

Speaking of kidding... There's a huge baby boom coming on. Lots of souls want to get in on the action. There'll be lots of churn: getting and dropping bodies. Many youngin's are going to die young. There'll be too many old farts warehoused, dripping of the previous baby boom. The right to die will become as visceral an issue as the right to choose life. Vitamin supplements and self health care and such will become even more of a fight. Health will win, except for the ignorant.

Fascist terrorist attacks by the dark governments will be increasing in severity and frequency. 9/11 will be a massively ugly issue for the elections. I suspect that Guiliani will get nominated and that there'll be third party candidates that will fracture things down the road. It's a mess. It's messianic!

By the time we slide into 2009, the fascist agenda will be well under way. This is life and death stuff at a variety of levels. Just remember that it's in a dream. Be with what is as it is and keep on making choices. If you stop to think about it, you'll sink like Iraq. Neither Good nor Bad will ultimately win. We'll get rid of the motherfuckers and be sane for a change. It won't result in paradise, but it just may result in a conscious society with conscious individuals who can really play.

Blessed be,


Mark Krueger has been a professional astrologer for over 29 years. He is author of the popular weekly PlanetVisionsUpdate on his website in which he reflects the personal and collective goings on of our times in a unique and funny way. Mark is a seer of karmic patterns and offers a way to clear through the Dilemma. He's a dynamic playful speaker who offers richly rewarding talks and seminars all over the world.


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maandag 28 januari 2008

Symptoms Of Ascension

How Many of You Are Experiencing These Symptoms Of Ascension?

I posted this article on another thread and so many people said it made sense to them, that I thought I'd put it in a thread of its own so more could see, identify and benefit from it. Cheers, loves!!

Over the past 20 years, the Star Elders have helped us understand the synchronistic connections between the shifts, the bumps, and the awakenings of the collective consciousness of humanity. These bumps we feel are a part of an ancient code that activates a divine plan that triggers a planetary ascension process. The Star Elders feel that the year 2008 is the year that we will manifest the shift of the ages which they predicted 10,000 years ago. The Star Elders say that enough people on the planet are working with enough light that we have been able to tip the balance of the darkness back into the light. So, it was no surprise to me that in the last few months of 2007, all the puzzle pieces came together regarding the effects of this planetary awakening of humanity. This is why our lives have felt . . . well . . . so discombobulated.

The Star Elders humorously refer to this planetary ascension as the Domino Effect. Remember when you were a child, and you got that set a Dominos? Instead of playing the game, we all sat them up in a row, so when you knocked the first one down the others would quickly follow. This is why the Star Elders call this ascension process the domino effect. Because once you knock down the first domino, there is no stopping the rest from falling in succession. Such is our awakening process. Once we start the process to wake up, there is no turning back. You can't fail once you begin the journey. You can't slip back into darkness. It is impossible to unlearn the light. Let's say that again . . . It is impossible to unlearn the light!!!

The Star Elders organized all the symptoms and effects on humanity into seven simplified steps, or what they call the seven dominoes. They talk about what happens to us, how we react to it, and what does it really mean to us now. We already know that symptoms of awakening and ascension can be quite challenging and even painful. But what this article plans to do is to take some of the sting out of the awakening, and put back the bliss and the joy in a process that we have long waited for.

(Read… The Star Elder Message though Aluna Joy in 1998)

[link to www.kachina.net]

The disciples sought Enlightenment, but did not know what it was or how it was attainable. Said the Master, "It cannot be attained". You cannot get hold of it." Seeing the disciples' downcast look, the Master said, "Don't be distressed. You cannot lose it either." And to this day the disciples are in search of that which can neither be lost nor taken hold of.
~ Anthony de Mello, SJ

So what might trigger your first domino to fall? What events might start the ball rolling so to speak? Many things can trigger the beginning of your ascension process. For some like me, sacred site travel (yearly trips posted on our web site) has been a great trigger for me. My first trip to a Mayan site in 1986 nudged me out of my spiritual laziness so I would finally face myself, and begin to ask who I was, and why was I here. I have never looked back after that first visit to a sacred site. For many of us, meditation can also trigger and accelerate the ascension process. For others, it might be practicing yoga. For some it might be a book or article that triggers you into remembering. Others might be triggered by things like sacred site essences, (sacred site essences posted on our web site) or even a photograph of a sacred site that they had spent a past life in. But many times a huge life challenge or trauma can crack us open so the brilliant light inside of us can begin to leak out. Through great trauma and loss we begin to reach for a greater meaning to life. This is a sacred wound and a Shaman's path. Eventually you remember that you never were in the darkness . . . you just forgot that you were in the light all along.

When I was in Palenque in 1990 ...(read the Palenque Story here [link to www.kachina.net]

The good news is that our spirits are really ready for this ascension process. In fact, our spirit can hardly wait to get there, wherever that is. Your spirit was ready . . . yesterday! Your spirit doesn't have to deal with time, gravity and other laws of nature in the 3-D world like your body does. This is why having a vision is such a joyful event . . . but working to make it manifest can be a huge drudgery. Your spirit is like a racehorse at the starting gate stomping its foot in frustration. The 3D mechanical mind that runs our body is our spirit's biggest challenge to overcome, because our body is holding spirit back. On the other hand, your body is struggling to keep up with your spirit. But this is the age where we ascend with not only our spirit, but also carting along our physical body! We have never ascended so completely towing a body along before. In the past, we usually dumped our heavily programmed bodies and started over. This also explains the huge amount of catastraphobia in the collective consciousness right now. You body remembers that we dumped it in the past. But this time we are not going that route.

Your spirit uses non-linier organic energy and intuition to manifest and to grow. It relishes in the unknown and likes exploring unknown territory. It isn't restricted by history, or past experience, or fear of the future. Spirit is very much like an innocent curious child that is eternally in the present moment. Your material body uses linear mechanicity, programs, patterns and history to maintain the body to keep itself safe. It is rarely in the present, and it sends out warnings about the future. When we begin to ascend, all that our body knows from past experience begins to shift. Our body literally freaks out, as it does not understand the unknown territory it is entering into. Our minds wildly race to look for relevant programs to use. Unfortunately all your body knows is what has been in the past . . . and what we are moving into is a new future which does not use the old programs. Today, right now at this very moment, we are stepping into the future. Many, and I dare say, most of the old programs we have used, do not apply anymore. It is like trying to use a "DOS" system in a "Windows XP" world. It is time to see the world as a little child because much of the past programming has become obsolete. Sometimes we are able to walk on the Spirit side for a while and get some reprieve from the building pressure. Other times we find ourselves forced back into the body dealing with 3-D reality. So it is the struggle between our spirit and our body that causes all the weird symptoms. This leaves us asking the question . . . "What in the world is going on? And why?"

So below is the Seven Domino Steps. Remember that we will rarely do each step in perfect succession, one to another in a nice orderly fashion. No one ever said that waking up was going to be an orderly process did they? You usually start with the first domino and then you may jump to the second and the third, while the first one is still evolving.

"There are no guarantees. From the viewpoint of fear, none are strong enough. From the viewpoint of love, none are necessary." ~ Emmanuel

Domino #1.

We know we have begun the Ascension process when we hit . . . THE PRESSURE COOKER.

With the first Domino, we become aware to an increasing and indescribable energy. There is an intense pervading feeling that something is missing, but we don't know what. We find ourselves asking . . . "Is there more to life than this?" We feel a tremendous amount of stress for no apparent reason. Our minds can get very busy like a thousand radio stations going at once. It is hard for us to meditate. We don't sleep well. Generally we can feel rather burned-out, but we don't want to slow down. You can make life choices that rarely work out for you the way you expected. Life feels like a head-on collision. Remember, you are not the only one feeling this. 100% of humanity is doing this one if they admit it or not.

"One must have chaos in one's self in order to give birth to a dancing star." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900 German philosopher

Domino #2.

The pressure cooker causes a . . . CLEANING & CLEARING OF THE INNER TEMPLE.

A new higher vibration begins to flush out the denser energies. This is not a fun process. It can cause depression. We can have vivid, wild and violent dreams. We can become catastrophobic and paranoid. We open our eyes from a collective haze of denial. We see for the first time a larger picture of the world and realize that we are not physically safe as we might have thought. We might find ourselves taking survival classes, moving to a supposed safe area, and reading conspiracy theories. We might buy into negative prophecies of a doom and gloom future. We know the stories . . . the "world is going to end", and "we are all going to die" kind of scenarios. Many go through a dark night of the soul at this point. This clearing of the inner temple is releasing many lifetimes of lower vibrational energies and catastrophic past life histories. We will most likely do a lot of releasing at night in our dreams, and we can wake up feeling like a truck hit us. This phase of the ascension process can make us aware of the chasm between who we really are, and what we see in the mirror . . . triggering a deep grief and overwhelming feeling of loss. We might be obsessed with self criticism. The good news is that our feelings are clues to our awakening! When we remember who we really are, it also means it is now possible to BE that powerful lighted one, and we can restore that heaven on earth again.

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that was going on inside himself. He said, "My son, it is between two wolves.... One is evil: Anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other is good: Joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith". The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied: "The one I feed".

Domino #3.

All this clearing causes us to . . . REACTIVATE OUR SLEEPING KUNDALINI ENERGY.

This phase of the ascension process can cause physical, emotional and spiritual overload . . . causing heart palpitations, feeling restless, sleeplessness, headaches, ringing in the ears, dizziness, exhaustion, nausea, and feeling faint. Tightness in neck and shoulders is a big symptom of this phase. We need to sleep more . . . a lot more. We may experience electrical disturbances with computers and other electronic devices. Does blowing out light bulbs sound familiar?

During this phase, we can be a bit narcissistic as we get a glimpse of who we truly are. We begin to feel how powerful we are. We begin to feel the inner wisdom rise up in us. We, as they say, "see the light". If we are not careful, we might take this personally and begin to spout off that we are the second coming and are here to save the world! In a way, you really are the second coming . . . but you are not the chosen one. You are one of many awakening ones!

Awakening Kundalini energy causes frustration as we are vibrating at a higher rate, and we have to wait for the outside world to catch up. This can feel like it is taking forever. We almost want to give up. Awakening Kundalini energy can also make us feel lost, alone and separate. While knowing we are connected to everything, we still can't seem to find HOME. We might find ourselves moving home base when the Kundalini domino is at work. Sadly, it might not feel good anywhere we go, and we worry that we will find no place left on Earth that does. Everything feels just plain icky. We feel no personal security, and we might feel unbearably vulnerable. Personal relationships, and all areas of life, can be polarized to the extreme. As our energy becomes more powerful, we might have sudden shifts of interests of friends, activities, habits, jobs and homes. We find ourselves ending relationships that were out of alignment with new energy. Remember . . . like energy always attracts like energies. We find that people and surroundings that no longer match our vibration will simply go away. As we evolve higher and higher, this phenomenon becomes more obvious. Remember to Breathe and let go. Live and let live. This domino makes us understand the true meaning of surrender.

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart ...Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. ~ Carl Jung

Domino #4.

Once the Kundalini begins its awakening, this sends us into the . . . GREAT EGO DISSOLVING.

Our ego is simply an illusion we have about ourselves. Our ego tells us who we are and why we are here based on programs and old, outdated history. Our ego is not based in spirit. The dying of the ego can cause anxiety, panic and feelings of hysteria and anger. We will feel a loss of interest in current goals; and loss of sense of self. We might feel as if everything is dissolving from us and most of everything is! We might feel out of control, vulnerable, and powerless, with no frame of reference for what is appearing ahead of us. Many feel worthless and think they have nothing to offer the world. We can feel like we may never find our life's purpose. Many are feeling like they are going to die, or want to give up. These mechanistic patterns and behaviors that we are losing are not needed in the higher realms. Could it be that we are dying to the old ways of being, and letting go of our attachments to this world, so we can move on to the next? Yes it is! It is here that a profound level of unity births inside us. In this Phase, the Savior evolves into a unified whole linked with a wave of awakening humanity that by the way . . . will save the world!

Remember that the load you seemingly carry may very well be
the light and the way for many others to follow ~ Gabbitas

Domino #5.

Once the old ways of the ego begins to disappear, we begin to cross . . . THE BRIDGE . . . a GREAT DIVIDE.

We begin to enter a space where all time, space and dimension coincide all at once. We might have unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of our bodies and intense allergies. We might experience dimensional and future doorways either by seeing or hearing them. We won't have the usual compass to guide our lives. We are in between realities but not integrated, and there is no time to integrate in. We might feel disorientated, not knowing where we are, and feel a loss of a sense of place. We might begin to have unusual visuals in the inner and outer worlds. We will have weird dreams where we find ourselves healing past atrocities. Atlantis, Maldek and other massive catastrophes in our past are being cleared out. We will feel painfully aware of things that are out of balance with natural cosmic law like war, hunger, abuse, pollution etc…. We will begin to feel a deep urgency to do SOMETHING - ANYTHING but won't know what that is. Now the outside world does not remotely match the way we are now vibrating. Everything feels so darn heavy. We might feel morning sickness like nausea and vertigo. The planetary gyroscope is being rebooted. We might feel an unplugged feeling when we actually move through and touch the other side. We can't describe this with words. We are meeting soul mates after long and fruitless searches. Memory loss and difficulty accessing words is an issue. The English language is dualistic and cannot move forward with us into a world of higher frequencies where duality cannot exist. So as we begin to Ascend, we will have more trouble with words. This makes it really interesting trying to have a conversation . . . unless the other is also at this level.

"Security is mostly superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of humans as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." ~ Helen Keller

Domino #6.

When we cross the bridge far enough, we begin to BEND OUR LIGHT

Read more about bending light here:
[link to www.kachina.net]

We will find that working in a linear manner is not happening at all at this stage. We will find that we feel scattered at our work, and become like a butterfly skipping between one focus and another. We feel compelled to do things that are not necessary or practical, and usually find ourselves doing the un-practical. We think we are wasting time, and then we feel guilty about this. We find ourselves in a cycle of re-scheduling, re-working, re-ordering, and re-organizing, because we need re-covery and re-vitalization. We need to re-focus and are screaming out for re-assignment.

We find that for the last time we are faced with long forgotten old dramas, old rivals and attacked by old enemies. Many of these old riffs, which we have given up on, have resurfaced so they can heal . . . and some actually do to your amazement! We are bombarded with vague clues that don't make sense and feel twisted. The feelings of waves of nausea is more intense this time around. We could have ringing in the ears in multiple frequencies, lung issues like we cannot breathe. We feel like choking and have strange hoarseness, which is creating oxygen level drops in our bodies. Do not hold your breath - BREATHE - BREATHE - BREATHE! Lower back issues and all over aches and pains have come back, and we could feel dizzy . . . like someone shoved you sideways and feel like we can't stand up straight. Plus we can't seem to stop yawning!

At the extreme, there may be a rise in many choosing not to stay here any longer, and many are in the process of saying "good bye". Many people, who never get depressed for any reason, are feeling like quitting life. And quitting life is just what we need to do in order to make this shift. If we hang on to what we have known, we close doors to what is out ahead of us. I am not saying to end your life. NO WAY. You came here to see this shift and all the amazing things that we will experience together. What I am saying here is that we are loosing our attachment to things and this world. This is why you are becoming bored and want to quit. This really is a good thing!

"If you always think what you've always thought, You will always do what you've always done. If you always do what you've always done, You will always get what you've always got. If you always get what you've always got, You will always think what you've always thought." ~ Author unknown

Domino #7.

Now we are ready for the fun stuff! We begin to CREATE OUR REALITY!

Remember . . . what you create is what your entire being is telling the universal creative force. When we begin to shift, it is important for us to . . . STAY PRESENT. We can't create anything if we are worrying about the future or feeling guilty or remorseful for the past. Remember neither the past or the future really exists. So spirit does not understand this. STAY POSITIVE . . . but stay real to what is going on. Remember . . . ALL FEELINGS are CLUES to something. Do not judge them - learn from them. Make sure we "don't water the weeds!" BE OUR AUTHENTIC SELVES . . . the world is full of imitations and well worn paths. BE OPENED HEARTED . . . staying in our HEARTS is the only way to shift this world into paradise. TRUST YOUR CORE no matter what the outer world says or does.

I will judge my success by how well I live my truth, not by how well my truth is received. ~ Jan Denise, "Naked Relationships"

Remember this is the longest journey we will ever make. That journey is the 13 inches from our HEADS to our HEART TEMPLE. This ascension journey we have been on was to simply get out of our MINDS and return to the HEART TEMPLE. Once we arrive in the Heart temple, we can create anything. And we will!

Remember that the Earth is going through this process also. So if you are way ahead in this process, or way behind, you will still feel what the Earth is doing also. I love this, because it is a great harmonizer and keeps us out of our egos while we learn to be a harmonious family once again.

Unfortunately reading this article will not make this process easier or even more blissful (darn!), but at least we know that we are not going crazy. Some ways to get through the biggest bumps on the ascension ladder are the simplest according to the Star Elders. Remember nature is emotionally neutral… so breathe lots of AIR, drink lots of WATER and get out and walk on the EARTH and let the SUN shine on you. Nature heals and harmonizes. Also things like homeopathy, essences, checking in with like-minded friends, yoga, meditation, sweat lodges, OK…I'll even say chocolate and going on a spiritual journey (with Aluna Joy's wild pilgrims :) all can help ease the physical shifts while you ride the wild ascension roller coaster.

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic who inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988, Sedona AZ 86339 Ph: 928-282-6292 Webpage: www.AlunaJoy.com E-mail: alunajoy@alunajoy.com

Copyright © 2007 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Ph:928-282-6292 Ph/Fax:928-282-4622

Email: alunajoy@1spirit.com
Website: www.AlunaJoy.com


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Marijuana Boosts Brain Cell Growth

14 October 2005
Marijuana Boosts Brain Cell Growth

Most illicit drugs like opiates, alcohol and cocaine decrease the generation of new neurons in the brain, but marijuana appears to have the opposite effect on this process. Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan have published their findings on marijuana's effects on the brain in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. On top of the drug's promotion of brain cell growth - called neurogenesis - marijuana also appeared to have antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties.

A team, led by researcher Xia Zhang, worked with rats that were given a synthesized version of marijuana twice per day for 10 days. After this period, the rats displayed evidence of new neuron creation in the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved in developing memories.


Renegade member of family of light
System buster
Available for altering systems of conciousness
within the free-will universe
On call

zaterdag 26 januari 2008

Light Towers – the Zetas Explain

Light Towers – the Zetas Explain

IMAGE: Iraq Light Tower
VIDEO: Iraq Light Towers

QUOTE: My Soldiers and I witnessed what I think is some sort of natural phenomenon in the sky over Iraq.

ZetaTalk Explanation 1/5/2008:

What is being filmed are light towers, a phenomena not uncommon above the Sun. These light towers were appearing in other places in the sky, however, thus the furor. We have hinted that there would be surprises, things not anticipated seen in the skies. The tail of Planet X is wafting toward Earth, and chemical changes will be occurring. This is a hint of what may be coming!

vrijdag 25 januari 2008

Re: Top 10 most important movies for GLPers

Re: Top 10 most important movies for GLPers

Nassim Haramein
Bruce Lipton
What the Bleeb
Michael Tsarion
Bringers of dawn
Are you ready?
Dean Radin
Surf's up
Surviving px
Happy feet
The electric universe

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donderdag 24 januari 2008

Nassim Haramein

If you are not yet familiar with Nassim Haramein's exciting work, prepare yourself for an exhilarating odyssey into hyperspace and beyond. ... alle » Haramein, who has spent his lifetime researching fields of physics from quantum theory to relativistic equations and cosmology, will lead you along a fascinating discussion geared to a layman's understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe and creation that includes black holes, gravitational forces, dimensions, and the very structure of space itself - all of which are integral parts of his now-complete Unified Field Theory. Haramein's theory is currently in peer review process for publication in physics journals; however, the presentation does not end with the introduction of his theory alone, but includes the discussion of the path that he took to arrive at his views, which weaves between the texts and monuments of ancient civilizations, biology, chemistry and the primordial role of consciousness - all of which lend further credence to the science behind the theory

video google 1
video google 2


Just like insects, whose antenna are made of hair, our hair acts as an antenna also.
So when men keep their hair short (or it is REQUIRED to be short - like in the military or in many schools), it is really keeping them from sensing information - it keeps them stupid.

That is why women keep their hair long. They can sense more of the vibrational waves and therefore have a greater understanding and more empathy.

Short hair limits males ability to sense the overall picture, yet this allows them to be very good at what they do sense. Thus bald people can say to have a one track mind.

This is the reason hippies have long hair... to be able to sense more information.

So one way to make men and women more "equal" would be to have men grow their hair longer and women keep their hair shorter.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 361003


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woensdag 23 januari 2008



At the very time we were first assembling the material for this lecture, there came an announcement in the daily press of a discovery by a modern physicist, Dr. George W. Crile, of the Cleveland Laboratories, which practically fixed the seal of truth upon every word we have uttered or shall utter in this lecture. It was most startlingly corroborative of our exegesis. He announced that he had discovered at the heart of every living organism a tiny nucleus of energy, all aglow, with temperatures ranging from 3000 to 6000 degrees of heat, which he called "radiogens" or "hot points." These, he said, were precisely akin to the radiant energy of solar matter. He affirmed, in short, that a tiny particle of the sun's power and radiance was lodged within the heart of every organic unit! The light and energy that has life. What would be Crile's surprise, however, if he were to be shown a sentence taken from Hargrave Jennings' old book on the Rosicrucians, written over sixty years ago: "Every man has a little spark (sun) in his own bosom?" For this was one item in the teaching of the Medieval Fire-Philosophers, and the reason they were styled such. They knew what Crile has discovered, as likewise did the ancient Bible-writers. They based their Sun-god religions upon it. Our souls are composed of the imperishable essence of solar light! We are immortal because we are Sun-gods.

Onions radiate electromagnetic waves.

Eyes, fingers, blood emit rays which kill cells. As living things die, they produce "necrobiotic" rays. All this several investigators have demonstrated, and from their demonstrations drawn a theory that all living matter radiates energy (TIME, July 4, et ante). But how does this go on? Cleveland's ingenious Surgeon George Washington Crile, who long has been studying the electronics of living things, last week offered his theory to the Central Association of Science & Mathematics Teachers meeting in Cleveland.

Every bit of protoplasm is loaded with multitudes of "hot points" or "radiogens" which produce the rays, according to him. Temperature of those points must be between 3,000° and 6,000° C. "If one could look into protoplasm with an eye capable of infinite magnification," he elaborated, "one might expect to see the radiogens spaced like stars, as suns in infinite miniature." The "interstellar" spaces absorb the intense heat of his radiogens, he reasons. The nucleus of his theoretic radiogen "would theoretically be a molecule of iron." Dr. Maria Takles, a Crile associate, figures four billion radiogens in a cubic centimetre of muscle.

The great importance of radiogens in Dr. Crile's mind is that, if they really exist, they may explain how plants add oxygen & hydrogen to carbon dioxide to make sugar, how animals add oxygen to sugar to form carbon dioxide—chemical reactions which require access of considerable energy.

zondag 20 januari 2008

The clearer

This Is The End

You are not your thoughts. They are merely the whirring calculations of the computer. You are not your mind. That is the interface software. Yet you witness these things, you feel them. What is it that is witnessing and feeling? What entity sits above all and yet is intimately present? It is Spirit. Your divine essence. Individual identity is an illusion. Neil Kramer is the name of a story that the Spirit is telling, nothing more. Spirit manifests itself into the 3D realm as an agent of consciousness, endeavouring to articulate, propagate, learn and create.


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The clearer

The path of transcendence and spiritual insight frequently compels the student to absorb large quantities of data in order to unearth and unite the golden strands of real wisdom. There’s a lot to assimilate and a limited amount of time to do it in. Ancient history, cosmology, the occult, shamanism, quantum physics, botany, divination, astronomy, religion, psychology and philosophy all vie for attention, each offering the potential for profound connection.

Information, with critical judgement and intuitive correlation, becomes knowledge. Knowledge, with deep absorption and spiritual insight, becomes wisdom. Information > Knowledge > Wisdom.

When wisdom has been attained, it becomes a permanent artefact in the noetic vault. It shifts densities, moving outside of the individual into a non-local quantum field. From here it is instantly accessible for future reference and teaching to anyone who possesses the codex of personal spiritual accomplishment.


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Femto, your post got me thinking about what the trigger for the masses will be. We cannot predict ofcourse.

Maybe a mix of truth coming out, earth changes, collapsing hierarchy, et's landing, phenomenon in the sky and more.

I am not sure if we are in the "anti-christ phase" already.
If not i wonder if it will be necessarry.

The Healing power of lightworkers:

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zaterdag 19 januari 2008

Eating bugs

Hi Phoenix, here i my links to bugs eating.

The boiled fly larva i liked best, tastes like fried egg.


Next to eating bugs i also studied the local weeds, lived on them with sprouted beans for months, felt really energetic and peacefull.

Also tried algea, sea and fresh water vegetables, easy to harvest, grow, dry and safe.

Also tried different ways of collecting and purifying water.

Since you studie this i know you will never starve.

Good luck with your research - Darza

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woensdag 16 januari 2008

Going Through the Tunnel

Latest report 15th Jan-A new energy alert, "Going Through the Tunnel"

[link to www.whatsuponplanetearth.com]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 354554

We are currently in the process of “going through the tunnel” to the “other side,” in the midst of the birth canal, or in a massive transition, whichever definition you choose.

Symptoms of tunnel travel? Intense muscle aches, sinus pressure and headaches, deep body pain, ringing in the ears, nausea, intestinal distress, coughing and chest congestion, feelings of pressure or toxicity in the body, insomnia, a feeling that absolutely nowhere feels right or comfortable, and a wondering where oh where home might now be, with seemingly nowhere else left to go, or nowhere left that seems to “fit.”

A lightness will engulf you, and you will feel as if you have let go of all the burdens you have ever carried, as if you had dis-connected from an old reality of struggle and pain, and suddenly burst into a reality of light, joy, pleasure, a deep contentedness, and a knowing that all your needs will always be met with no effort required.

We arrive by allowing, transmuting, letting go of our arrogance, and having this experience seemingly not even be our own idea. It comes though a gentle acceptance, a willingness to let go of all we are being encouraged to let go of, and a deep trust that we are being guided to the perfect place and the perfect circumstances for our next level of existence, even though we may not consciously know what that is.

The familiar is gone. We have evolved beyond it. Our old comfort zones can no longer be. Being willing to let go of our old groves and securities can only serve to allow us through the gates of this very new reality.

But we are now ready to manifest our deepest desires.

We are now indeed at a very new plateau and in a very new reality on planet Earth. We have entered a new playground of experience. We get to create, play with energy, and manifest whatever we want with no interference.

But for those who have already come to a point of knowing their true power, this time will be an awesome one indeed.

What is your deepest desire, you fondest dream, your heaven on Earth? What joy will you choose to experience? What responsibilities will you finally be ready to let go of? What kind of peace will you know? What does it look like? Will you be ready and willing to experience a great change?

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dinsdag 15 januari 2008



2008 is a year of great personal triumph over adversity. The rising of the light of truth, goodness and justice.

The willingness to protect the weak and defend the helpless will be a major aspect of 2008.

These visions are powerful images of leadership, authenticity, dynamic and speedy action with the passion to rescue and save.

It will be a powerful year for the emergency services and those that feel a sense of urgency.

We will witness more men taking on authority figures with prowess.

There is nothing a person cannot achieve when they are compelled by love into zealous compassionate action.

These people have strong self worth, they are people of honour, they have the credibility and integrity to bring about positive change and social justice.

The creatives will be inspirational, banging the drum for the hero’s of the past and present. Reminding us of the sheer impact of dignity, noble champions of freedom and democracy.

The Chariots of fire, the Sons of Light will no longer stay silent in the face of adversity.

Quoting: Lotus Feet

Lotus, empowering lines, were do i sign up?

2love + 2love = nlove

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maandag 14 januari 2008

Zorba is dead

DWM, Zorba is dead, did not exist, was an illusion in your mind.

The Truth according 2 Puppetji: Who am I....really? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydAfgSIgU_E

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zondag 13 januari 2008

Subject Notice Something Wrong With The MOON ?

[quote:stunned ! 354368]
I went out to look at the stars last night and noticed that Orion what to far south in the sky for this time of year (27th parallel ); then it suddenly hit me like a tsumami !

The MOON's crescent was tiltig way too far !

it s1eems "The Wobble" is coming back in earnest!

We have seen this downward cresent first around june last year -- we are no experts, so we asked around if this was normal -- strangely the friends we asked said they had seen it before -- thanks for the thread

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non dual

zaterdag 12 januari 2008


Re: Monks AMAZINGLY dry up wet sheets with body by meditating!!!
Tumo is a real discipline, but it is not magic.

If you are interested in trying it yourself, do the following.

1. Sit cross legged with your spine straight.

2. Relax your arms, hands feet and legs as profoundly as you can. This will open up the capillaries in the skin if done well. Just relaxing, again this takes no magic.

3. Now, pull your stomach in all the way while exhaling. This should make your stomach muscles very tight, but keep the rest of you, the parts not being used, relaxed. The tightening of your diaphragm, intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles will cause your metabolic rate to rise, due to the work preformed.

4. Keeping you abdominal muscles tight, draw a deep breath in, you will feel yourself working hard to draw this breath, as your diaphragm overpowers your abdominal muscles. You will feel increased blood pressure as well, which is why your hands and feet must be relaxed. (arms and legs as well.)

5. Breath slowly as to not hyperventilate. But take deep, full breaths, with the air going all the way in and pushing the last of the air you can out with force on each exhalation.

Do this for a minute to get a feel of real warming, five minutes to get up to a good clip warmer than average.

At about half an hour, if you keep going, you will be able to do what the monks in the video did, making the damp cloth steam.

It is best to breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, but mouth breathing or breathing only through the nose nose works too.

It works. have fun.

Remember, before you think your cool...

These monks do it for up to eight hours at a time.

vrijdag 11 januari 2008

- 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective

[quote:Dances with Moonbeams]
Looking forward in 2008
- 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective


We are happy to have the opportunity to speak with you again. The
question at hand is what will the year 2008 bring. Well there are
many layers and levels to that question. We ponder it and search for
the most appropriate answer. Often as you work with us you find us
speaking in generalities. This we do with intention. By focusing on
what you are told will come to be, it plants that seed. And as you
know, that which you focus on comes to pass. Rather than do that we
would prefer to shift your focus on truly understanding that you
create your own reality, and although you are connected to mass
consciousness, you can make new decisions and interpret life in a new

What we will tell you is that one of the most significant events of
2008 will occur at the beginning of July and last for approximately
eight months. Since the late 1980's your entire solar system has been
moving through a region of space that contains high amounts of
photonic energy. Many of you have heard it talked of before, but not
until this last April did you begin to feel it with any real ntensity.
This band of photonic energy is a start/finish line, if you will, for
the galactic cycles. It marks a beginning and an end. This energy
comes in waves allowing you to increase your awareness and frequency
and then integrate all that you have learned. From April to September
of this year you rode one of these waves. Did you enjoy the ride?

If you reflect, you will most likely find that it was an intense
period for you, complete with many core issues. As you move through
these dense sectors of energy, the entire planet is bathed in photons.
More photons mean more light, more love, and more information is
available to you. Your body absorbs these higher frequencies, and as
you do so, lower frequencies are brought to the surface to be
processed and cleared.

So as you begin to ride these waves of photonic energy, you have the
ability to make huge strides in spiritual growth and development. You
have the opportunity to clear energy and patterns that you have been
putting off or suppressing. It is a tremendous catalyst for change
and if you are conscious of the process and the extra support you
have from the universe, it makes clearing much easier. You recognize
the situations you have created as opportunities for advancement. But
for those who are still sleeping, it will simply seem as if all life
is a trial. All of their core issues appear but go unacknowledged or
unaddressed. When these issues surface it can create a great deal
of anxiety for those who don't understand the process. All they see
are their darkest fears come to life.

With this influx of energy you can see how many dramatic events may be
created in order for humanity to clear its issues from mass
consciousness. You may find that dastardly deeds are done to create
the reflection and awaken the sleeping masses. We would prefer to
tell you that these events were not necessary, but from a higher
perspective, from a perspective without judgment, we see that they
serve their purpose. But that does not mean that you who have
awakened need partake in these lower frequency events.

Dimensions are simply ranges of frequency that define the boundaries
for playing fields, all with different rules. Within dimensions you
have frequency ranges which create different timelines. As the planet
nears the galactic equator, multiple versions of reality will be
within your perception. You will have "multiple" versions of the
planet to accommodate the changing beliefs and frequencies.

Your own resonate frequency will determine which you will find
yourself in. Multiple timelines or versions of earth exist now, but
you are unaware of this, as this is a multidimensional perspective.
[b]One of the beauties of the third dimension is that you are able to
focus your energy so intently on one reality or timeline that you do
not see the others, which in turn creates the illusion of linear time.
This allows you the ability to delve into the emotional experience in
a far more in-depth way than in other dimensions.[/b]
As the earth nears the fourth dimension the difference in the
frequency ranges will become more pronounced. If you were to look at
all the many timelines you would see a great difference between those
on the path of ascension and those who are choosing to remain in the
third. This is how you can maintain a state of abundance while the
economy declines. This is how you create more freedom and flexibility
in a world filled with war and anger.

Many of you look at the state of the world and wonder how it is you
will be able to ascend as a planet in a mere five years. Each
succeeding wave of photonic energy is more intense and will continue
to accelerate your growth exponentially. We tell you that from April
to September of this year, your growth pattern was the equivalent of
six years worth of growth. With this universal support the next wave
beginning in July 2008 and lasting for eight months will allow you the
opportunity to experience the equivalent of fifty years of growth.
The succeeding wave that will begin in February of 2009 will last for
approximately six month and allow for growth equal to several lifetimes.

Not all of you will wait until 2012 to make the leap to the fourth
dimension. From our perspective 2012 is a cut off date, and at that
time Earth will remove her energy from the third dimension. Some of
you will begin to transit into the fourth and remain while others will
move into the fourth, learn how to work with the energy of that
dimension, and once again return to the third to assist those will be
ascending closer to 2012.

During these peek periods it is extremely important for you to clear
your own energetic field on a daily, if not multi-daily, basis. With
so much energy being processed it is easy to take on others' energy.
If you are aware that the "unrest" is being created as a way for mass
consciousness to clear and that it is part of the natural ascension
process, you can relax into the opportunity and take full advantage of
the universal support.

We strongly urge you to address fears and doubts as they arise. You
are creating events to inform your conscious mind of your unseen
emotions that need to be addressed. And while they may seem
challenging, we assure you the longer you put off clearing, the more
intense the process will become.

This is a new experience for all those in the universe, and we cannot
see exactly how it will play out. You are the true masters and are
writing the manuals on how this is accomplished. While we can give
you tools and bits of advice, you are the ones who must interpret the
energy through your bodies and find what is most effective for you
and for the planet.

We are with you, dears, watching and waiting. Should you need
assistance, feel free to call on us at any time, and we will do our
best to assist you.

Many well wishes.


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UE technique to meditate

This is my translation of the meditating method taught within the school of Universal Energy.

The meditating exercise or breathingexercise within the UE-therapy requirs a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30 minutes. This seemingly easy method is full of wisdom.

We have to remember this exercise is independent of any outside factor, like posture, time or place.
Every enjoyable place is suitable.
Every moment which is best for you

TO START: relax, stay passive
Never try to rush the mind, never forcefully concentrate on anything.

Phase 1:
Whit the eyes open you breath in through the nose, calmly and slowly, until your lungs are filled. Now slowly exhale through the mouth, until all the air is out.
Remark: with inhaling you may be able to use only 80% of the capacity, with exhaling try to do 100%.
The minimum number of breath-sets is 3.

Phase 2:
Breath normal, close the eyes.
Go to the silence within. Try to be not distracted by outside influences or worries and concerns. You can concentrate on chakra 7. This will help the mind not to wander and not get distracted.
The minimum time is 5, 30 minutes is advised as a maximum.

Phase 3:
Open your eyes and repeat phase 1.

Re: experiment with awareness

Re: experiment with awareness

I am thinking now, thinking nice thoughts, exploring new worlds, is glp not wonderfull?

So i can actually see the mog with my eyes closed, how is this possible?

the mog is refelcting light,
that is what my eyes see, it is light-info
but there is more,
next to the light the mog is emitting other info you say, i did not succeed yet, but i feel it is true, it must be true
it all fits with what i know already

this gives totally new possibilities for meditating, absorbing data streams

what happens when viewing objects or video's from a master?

what happens when viewing books cd's or dvd's, will i cope?

a step closer to materializing?

I stop meditating now and will have some tea
Quoting: Zorba

Yes, I need to be more clear, on some aspects.

When I talk about streaming of information, this is from the point of view of how most people will perceive this experience because their interpretation framework for this experience says this must be what is happening because your understanding framework says 'I' am my 'body'. The information does not really 'travel' and I'll try and explain why.

I'm sure you've all seen the optical illusions such as stairs that can flip to be upsidedown. See at this link or search on Schroder Stairs

[link to www.torinfo.com]

The picture is not changing when the stairs flips over. All that changes is your perception of what you are seeing.

Now consider, it is well known that a baby does not realise that their foot, is actually their foot. It is a learned association. We identify our thoughts with our body, normally our head, because this is where, 4 of the 5 physical senses lie - sight, sound, taste, smell. But our thoughts are not really in our head. Everyday we are reinforced that we are our body because our body talks directly to us because our awareness is placed within our body. Underwhat conditions does the body stop talking to our awareness ?, answer - when our awareness is elsewhere. Consider, reading a book, loosing yourself in a film, talking intently to somebody else, wrting a document, watching TV, meditating, etc.

Who we are, our identification with our body, is an illusion. When you place your awareness on another object, you are literally moving your 'real' self to that object. Stay with your awareness long enough, and your awareness, suddenly does the flip, just like the stair illusion, this is the whoosh feeling. This is your awareness suddenly saying, I'm no longer attached to my body, I'm attached to the 'mug'. At this point, you are the mug, and you can therefore understand all that it means to be a mug. But your awareness, YOU, are so tied to the idea that you are your body, that it perceives this information as streaming to you, over a distance. So the mug does not send out information, you just move yourself to the mug.

Another trick is to pretend you are the mug. How hot am I. How does my mug 'body' feel. Keep asking yourself these questions. And let your 'imagined' responses flow past. This help to make the flip happen.

But really don't try too hard. The important thing is to get establish a rhythm of doing this. Same time each day, everyday, just like a monk!. Your body soon learns that at this time of day it will not be 'talking' to your awareness. Combine this with a reinforcing trigger and it will come.

As a separate exercise, learn to quiet your body and mind.
With your awareness, observe the glutter of thoughts, feelings, senses that pass through your mind, don't interact with them, to each one, just say 'go', don't ask any questions about them, don't follow a train of thought. Become the observer of your thoughts with your awareness. Notice the that your awareness can be seperate from your thoughts - interesting. Become aware that on a day to day you interact with your thoughts without being aware, it is automatic, but this does not mean they are connected!! You can seperate your awareness from them - move your awareness elsewhere, and have a different 'understanding'.

Belief and open-minded approach that this is possible, is an essential. This is why I said Zorba, has what is required, because, they already are examining what is awareness.

A tree is a good thing to move your awareness to. Ask the tree to give you a sign that you are connected. You will have a shiver go through you or a tingle throughout your body. This is the tree moving its awareness to your body. All living things have an awareness. Can you see how this works.

Yes, you can move your awareness to paper, and with time understand what has been written on that paper. It is more of an overall understanding than 'reading' or viewing of words. To read actual words on a paper you need to move your awareness to ABOVE the paper - very hard to do - I cannot do this.

Connecting to CDs and DVDs is different to what you would expect! The information on them is machine coded so what you get is an understanding - it is the best I can describe. You do not 'hear' the music on the CD, or 'watch' the movie on the DVD!! Or at least that is not what happens to me. Your experience may be different!

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donderdag 10 januari 2008



A popular song a few years ago has the phrase, “Nothing comes from Nothing, Nothing ever will.” In fact, that sums up the history of the Universe, starting with the big bang from a vacuum point and ending in boundless timeless blackness. It also applies to your life and to my life, beginning with a blast in the murky depths of unformed darkness and ultimately ending in the same. In fact, it is not the vacuum that is mysterious. Rather the mystery of life is that there is something! Empires, galaxies, love affairs, languages, people come and go, leaving behind not a trace. There is a lot of comfort in this – whatever we mess up, is erased and forgotten. In the long run, nobody knows or cares. Time heals, then forgives and finally forgets, forgets all. Time gently eases away all pain and joy. And occasional epiphanies punctuate the journey along the way.

Notice that it is the successes in life that most of all need to be erased. Think of the burden of having to exceed your success every day. It is easier to overcome failure than to overcome the limiting forces of success. The way to clear yourself is to center yourself, meditate.

Meditating is like washing a blackboard: do not continue writing over the old stale stuff, over and over. Clear the board. Make it new and fresh, a tabula rasa, ‘zen mind, beginner’s mind.’

Every night we go to sleep, we dream a little, and wake up to a new day, fresh and renewed. Earth returns to death and renewal on the winter solstice. Meditation returns us to the source of rejuvenation and creativity. Lifetimes cycle through realms of rebirth. All things begin in the womb of nothingness. Here we experience our greatest epiphanies, like Elijah on the craggy stormy mountain top, hearing the ‘still small voice’ murmuring like a sweet little girl in the heart of the tempest.

Religions are born in the desert where there are no distractions. Lives are ermanently altered in periods of silence, moments of letting, listening in awe and reverence to the universe.

Robert Frost has a line, “Home is the place where they have to take you in.” Well, home is your inner quiet center. It is the source of strength, of joy, of health, of creativity, of wisdom, of self-knowledge.
It is the place where we are face to face with the immanent, the greatest
experience of life. The ancient Hebrews had a word for it, ‘t’shuvah,’
meaning the moment that you raise the thought of returning home. From that moment everything is different!

When we are centered in that quiet empty place, our perceptions are clearest, our hang-ups are diminished and true essences come into focus. Our expressions flow more smoothly. Our creations are most flawless. We experience actionless action, effortless effort. We become willing agents of the Universe in its infinite power and direction.

This empty place is called in the Sanskrit wisdom texts Nirvana
and Sunyata. But this empty place is not so quiet after all. Quantum
mechanics shows that every point in the vacuum possesses an infinite amount of
energy, unmanifest, unformed energy. This universe exploded out of it, and
will again, and has done so many times.

This quiet center (any quiet center is the
quiet center) is the place of infinite potential. Our modern word ‘power’
comes from the concept of potential. In contrast, we have the concept of kinetic energy. In potentia everything is possible. In the state of maximum kinetic states nothing else is possible, at that moment. We must go back to in potentia to choose a different course. Free will operates in potentia. Determinism has a relentless grip in kinesis. As in cosmology, the parameters are set in a big bang and it is all clockwork, downhill after that. Thank goodness we can go back to that null place and make some other universe. A famous passage in the Bhagavad Gita says “yoga-stah kuru karmani” – established in yoga (union, emptiness), go forth and perform your work. Here is the place where we can achieve ‘effortless effort,’ ‘actionless action,’ and ‘purposeless purpose,’ protected and carried along like a trusting baby, asleep in the lap of its mother.

Emptiness is where we encounter the ritam bhara pragyam, the domain of eternal form. This is a Vedic concept, corresponding to Plato’s field of ideals, Jung’s archetypes, and DeChardin’s noosphere. Timeless forms of aesthetics, ethics, logic, mathematics, and humanity reside here. ‘This world,’ by contrast, is in a restless flux of ever-changing forms and polarities, recognized by Jung in his concept of enantiodromia, the tendency of things to abruptly reverse themselves.

The pinnacle of Vedic thought is the idea that your innermost self (Atman, ever more subtle, ever contracting) is the identical to the entire universe (Brahman, ever expanding, cosmic). We are one, one with everything. To approach the universe, understand it, play with it, produce effects through your pure center. Life becomes active and joyful. Just be centered, then you become nothing / everything. Erwin Schroedinger, the inventor of quantum mechanics, thought this equating of Atman and Brahman to be “the grandest of all thoughts.” It influenced his deepest thinking in his development of quantum mechanics, and even more so in his later work, What is Life?, which eventually lead to the discovery of DNA by Crick and Watson.

Zen epitomizes this power of emptiness by the koan, “Even a good thing is not as good as nothing.”

woensdag 9 januari 2008

awareness experiment

OP, Your perception is keen. The very fact you have discovered this, means you will be able to do the following.
I was taught this, amongst other things, by a Monk. It is real and absolutely no BS.

Now rather than something attached to your body find an object in the room, for example a mug, BUT DON'T pick it up, leave it on the table.

Now get yourself comfortable in a chair, look at the top of the wall, and close your eyelids over your eyes so your eyes are still in effect pointing at the top of the wall, through your eyelids. Keep them closed, and place your whole minds attention on the mug. (Your eyes will at some point go to a natural resting place, and this is OK, you may not even be aware of this happening). Now ask yourself how does the mug feel from within. Is it cold, hot, solid, hollow, what colour is it, what material is it made of, how does the material feel, can you feel undulations, are there cracks in the mug, is the glaze smooth, is it smooth allover, is the inside dirty etc.

At first you'll be thinking this is nonsense, your mind will wander, your body will keep reminding you that it is around, with a twitch, or a small pain. But keep concentrating on the mug in your minds eye, use your imagination to imagine the answers to your questions but keep your whole attention on the mug.

Do this for at least 10 minutes - that is a very long time. If you can keep solid attention for only 5 minutes without any other thought other than the mug, you will feel a sudden expansion of your awareness - it's like a whooshing feeling, and rather than imagining the answers about the mug, you find YOU ARE THE MUG, and therefore you know the answers about the mug, you also find you know who has been drinking from the mug, you understand a history of where you have been. It is a truly stunning experience. At some point you may experience streaming of information, this is where you suddenly have a whole stream of thoughts concerning the mug, that are different than the ones you were imagining. This can happen just before your expansion of awareness.

The expansion of awareness is unmistakable, if you have to ask, has it happened ?, is this the feeling ?, then it has not happened for you yet. Most people on feeling the expansion, panic and revert their attention away from the mug and totally to their body. TRY AGAIN!

Once you can do this successfully, you will find it gets quicker and quicker and you'll find you can switch awareness from your body to an object almost instantly, especially if you have a trigger.

On feeling the stream of information or expansion of awareness, set yourself up a trigger. This can be the classic touching of thumb to middle-finger ( or any finger that feels natural and effortless). Do this ONLY once you are certain that this expansion of awareness has happened and hold the trigger only as long as you are still within the expansion of awareness. Overtime you will be able to place your attention on any object, OR LIVING ANIMAL, OR HUMAN, touch your thumb to your middle finger and your awareness will immediately shift. THIS IS THE TRIGGER.

I see so many people begin their very first meditation session by immediately holding the trigger pose. All this does is set up a trigger of full awareness consciousness!! This is not what you want.

Don't try too hard. All you need to do is keep your imagination and thought entirely on the object. If another thought comes into your head, just say to yourself the word, go, and refocus on the object. The larger your ego, the more your brain will find things to interrupt your thought patterns with. So headstrong people you will need to perservere.

When connecting to another human, you are not connecting, as in being able to control, it's just a tapping in of feelings, memories as visuals, and if you are very good, thoughts. Be aware, if you connect you will know instantly how that person exactly feels about you, without any doubt.

Be discerning with what you connect to. For example, old swords can stream info. on very real feelings of death, dying, blood, gore, dispair, very graphic pictures. Same goes for people. Some people have a veneer of plesantness but a black heart of hatred and bitterness and history of ugly, bad deeds. They can stream feelings and pictures you'll NEVER forget.

For the non-believers consider how your intuition can tell you when someone you haven't met is bad news, how the hairs can raise on the back of your neck, just before a bad situation occurs. How for some reason you slowed down on a road even though you normally go much faster, and road conditions are not telling you slow down, but for some reason you did slow down, and within a kilometer, you need to brake hard, and you only just manage to stop in time. And you laugh and count yourself lucky you weren't going as fast as you normally do.

In a car particularly your attention is on the road, you are starting the shift of awareness, that allows information to stream to you, that is picked up by your subconscious mind.

Let me know if you find this interesting. If people are, I can go into how you can scan your own body, with your awareness, to identify problem areas.

My lazy soul

i am not here because this is what my soul longs for, it longs to be in nature, between water, birds, trees and wind.
in nature it is easy to still the mind, to experience peace freedom and harmony, very nice feelings. very interesting to investigate further,
these feelings come from the soul, so my soul is lazy, moving slowly and gently

but the universal energy decided different and took me out of the boat into a house with internet,
i surrender my free will and try to make the best of it, enduring everything

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When i observe the activity of the brain in beats per sec i learn that every state has a different frequency.
For example, i can distinguish between the active, focused, clear, trance and thoughtless state. Between the fight/flight fearfull or happy state. By controlling the frequency i can influence these state of being.

The most effective, long lasting, cheap way to accomplish this, is awareness. Methods, devices, books and teachers are not necessary at all.

For those in a hurry there are technical means. It is possible to train the brain with devices.

When we stimulate the senses at a certain frequency the brain will follow. This can be done by sounds, lights and currents.

On http://web-us.com/thescience.htm
and http://www.skyhero.com/binaural.htm you can read about the theory.
http://www.mindmodulations.com/resources/General-history.htm is about the history.

We use the software program brainwave-generator, to generate binaural beats. You can download this for free at http://www.bwgen.com.

This is what http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaural_beats has to say.
On http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm you can find a list with frequencies

What you need is a computer and a headphone, this you can expand with light-goggles. The cicuit to make you own goggles you can find at http://www.bwgen.com/magicjim.
With BwGen you can also make wave-files, convertable to mp3.

There is also something called cranial-elektro-stimulation (CES).
On http://www.hackcanada.com/homegrown/wetware/ces/index.html you can find simple circuits to make your own, for only a few euros.

On http://www.cerebrex.com/ganzfeld.htm they show you how to utilize a pingpong ball to meditate.

The video's:
Intro to Binaural Beats
Binaural beats information!
Messages from Everywhere!
What are binaural beats?
About: Brain-Sync / Hemi-Sync Audio

Bill Harris lecture on meditation




Welcome to the Massive Breakthrough Year of 2008!

2008 is the year that we've been waiting for. It is a tremendously powerful
and exciting year in which all things are possible.

Since it is a year of immensely deep Monolithic Shifts, we will experience
profound life altering inner and outer changes throughout the year. By the
end of the year, we shall find ourselves in very different circumstances
from where we are now. We will be with new people in new places with new
career paths that incorporate our creativity. Most of all, we will have a
very expanded awareness with a totally new set of priorities.

2008 signifies the beginning of the end of illusion and will bring numerous
challenges. These challenges will be immeasurably greater for those who have
not yet stepped onto their new level and become True Core Beings.

Some of these challenges will be personal ones in which any elements within
us that have expired or which have held us back from being our true selves
will rise to the surface greatly magnified in order to be released once and
for all. This is because we can no longer carry anything untrue within us.
Throughout the year, we will be continually challenged to live our lives as
True Core Beings. For if we do, we will be on the Fast Track to the
Fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams.

In 2008 we will experience an infusion of the heightened energies of LOTUS
LOVE at a frequency never before experienced on planet Earth. This has
already begun. LOTUS LOVE originates from the realm of the deeper Invisible
known as the Lotus World and brings in a totally new level of awareness that
I can only call an Ultra Greater Reality, as well as a core level resonance
of Pure True Love that affects absolutely everything. It's vital that we
fully align ourselves with these energies as soon as possible.

One of the side effects of the powerful infusion of Lotus Love is the
breaking down of all illusion. Because of this, the outer world will
experience occasional upheavals. There may be times of outer chaos and
heightened fear. The area of finance is especially susceptible; there may
well be a collapse of some world currencies, financial markets and monetary
systems. Since we are in the Time of Completion, this breakdown of the old
is to be expected.

This makes it even more important for us to remain centered in the Heart of
the Lotus at all times and to remain REAL and TRUE. If we do, all will be
well. We will be in the Ultra Greater Reality in which there is true
abundance and we will be able to do whatever we need to do, without any
major financial challenges. We will be fully supported on all levels in our
New Lives.

Throughout the year, we will experience a steady procession of Green Lights,
Golden Opportunities, Major Intersections, Monolithic Shifts and Quantum
Breakthroughs. These will take place on levels that we cannot yet imagine.
And after that, nothing will ever be the same....


2007 was a huge Year of Transition. It was a major Turning Point in which we
took the tree of our known environment out of the ground where it had long
been established and carefully packed its roots in a burlap sack so that it
would be ready to move to a new place as soon as the correct time arrived.

Although it often felt that we weren't getting much accomplished or that we
hadn't made any dramatic internal changes, by the end of the year we could
see that much had been achieved. Far more than we realized.

It was a year in which many of us birthed our True Core Selves and moved our
outer lives to a totally new level. We did this by clearing out all the
expired elements within us that we could find and by altering our actions
and responses so that they became a more perfect mirror of who we really

We Repatterned the Past by bringing our new selves, or sometimes our future
selves, into old situations to totally change our responses, thus
neutralizing old triggers and dissolving limiting patterns that had long
held us back. We made things right through Ho'o Pono Pono, correcting
imbalances of the past by taking everything to a totally new level.

As we combed through our beings, we let go of many people, expired
relationships, unfulfilling jobs, limiting concepts, superficial social
activities and outdated spiritual practices. This massive letting go will
continue throughout 2008 whenever new layers are revealed, as we become ever
more REAL and TRUE. And it will become increasingly easier to do this.

We also released many of the props of our old lives and began accumulating
the tools and touchstones for our New Lives. These objects actually anchored
the resonance of our New Lives within our old ones, helping us free
ourselves and move forward into the New and True.

Whenever we could, we passed on the sceptres of responsibilities that we had
outgrown to those who stood ready to take them as their next step. We
brought many outstanding projects to completion.

Throughout the year, we were challenged to break old patterns, to step forth
as True Core Beings as never before. We needed to row with our full beings
in the direction of our New Lives, even when we didn't know where they were
located or the details of how we would get there. This didn't require faith
or trust; instead it happened by aligning with our deep inner knowing that
we were being called into new, true directions. And by our willingness to
make becoming True Core Beings our top priority and go forward into our New
Lives with our full commitment.

We did all this with rigid scaffolding over our hearts which were being
totally reconstructed into the New Matrix of True Love. This meant that for
most of the year our love wasn't readily accessible. Often we felt numb or
neutral, rather than filled with waves of love. This emotional detachment
and numbness was necessary in order to deal with the occasional harshness of
what we had to do, stripping away all that was untrue.

And although it sometimes appeared as if our love was gone, it wasn't. Our
emotional bodies were being thoroughly restructured to be able to handle the
abundance of LOTUS LOVE coming into our lives in 2008. By the end of 2007,
huge chunks of our scaffolding were already falling away.

The mammoth transitions of 2007 moved many of us into the state of RIGHT
TIME - RIGHT PLACE, the launching point into our New Lives.


Ever since we first started incarnating on Earth, we have been walking along
an endless expanse of sandy beach. All of our experiences have left a long
line of footprints in the sand behind us. If we pause and look backwards, we
will see our entire history embedded in the sand.

There were the times when we wildly ran ahead, dancing with enthusiasm. The
marks in the sand where we gave up and flung ourselves to the ground too
weary to continue. The footprints filled with the puddles of our tears. The
ugly scars where we angrily kicked the sand in frustration, impatience and
discontent. We can see the places where we stopped to pray or meditate,
building temporary altars in the sand for whatever we believed in at the
time. There are also the exquisite sand sculptures that we created when we
were filled with inspiration. The words of wisdom that we inscribed along
the way. The huge hearts we drew when we were in love. The times when we
just dragged ourselves along, step by laborious step. The numerous
footprints when we walked with others -- sometimes with love, laughter and
support; sometimes leaving scuffle marks in the sand from our conflicts and
pools of blood from our fiercest battles.

Everything that we have ever experienced is recorded in the sand behind us.
It's our history-- our personal story. And it's there for everyone to see.

Then something totally unexpected happens. A gigantic Tsunami of LOVE
appears and with a huge XUA! (zhwah) washes everything away! We stop in our
tracks, uncertain what to do. Our history has just been erased. We suddenly
feel stripped naked. How can we proceed without carrying the imprint (and
baggage) of all our past experiences?

The answer is Very Consciously. Very Correctly. With Integrity. With
Commitment. With Focused Intent. With our Truest Love.

Now we realize that we have been given a Golden Opportunity. An opportunity
to totally recreate ourselves and our lives in any way that we choose. A
chance to look within our Heart of Hearts and see who we really are and
ascertain what we would most like to do with our lives. A New Beginning has
just been handed to us.

With this blank canvas, we can choose to be inspired or we can choose to be
intimidated. What will you choose? If we are intimidated, we will hastily
grab as much old stuff as possible and throw it on our canvas so it won't
appear so blank and empty. We won't care if we like it or not; we won't care
if it has expired or not. We will simply grab anything that's close by and
hold on tight.

If we haven't become clear on who we really are, if we are still resisting
what we know to be true, or if we haven't asked ourselves what we really
want, then we will just passively accept whatever is around. We will miss
our wondrous Golden Opportunity to step into totally New Lives that hold the
Fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams.

If we are inspired, we will embrace the emptiness of our blank canvas. We
will know that anything could go there, but we will be careful to only put
on it what we really want, what feels absolutely true. And when we continue
our journey, no longer encumbered by the heavy weight of our past history,
we will step lightly and truly, making as few new footprints as possible.

This is how we reach the end of the beach....

The end of the old road.

When the beach suddenly comes to an end, we are extremely surprised, for
this is the last thing that we ever expected. Now where do we go?

Directly ahead of us is nothingness. No land. No landmarks. No trees. No
people. No map. It's Pure Unknown. What to do?

We know that we cannot simply stop and stay where we are. We know that we
cannot go backwards, for we have already crossed the Point of No Return. We
know that we must go forward into our New Lives, even though we don't yet
have a clear picture of what they look like. It's the only direction where
we really want to go. So the sole option for us is to lift our right foot
and move it forward, off the Map of the Known and onto the uncharted realms
of the Unknown.

We don't see anything to step on, and still we move our foot forward,
trusting, knowing that it will find somewhere to stand. And miraculously....
It does.

So now we have one foot on the beach and one foot in the Unknown. What to
do? Simply lift your left foot and move it forward. It will find somewhere
to stand. And this is how we cross the bridge from the Known into the
Unknown, from our old lives into our New Lives.

In 2008 we will make our journey across this bridge between HERE and THERE
and reach the shores of our New Lives. The place of the Fulfillment of our
Wildest Dreams. This will be the starting point for a totally new era. A new
cycle far vaster than we can presently realize.


Each of us is a mighty stone pillar. Throughout the ages past, our stone
pillar has held us up. It has been our main support and we always knew that
without it we would fall. Until now....

Starting in 2007, the stones that create our invincible pillar have been
falling away, and with them go huge chunks of mortar. This has been
unsettling to say the least. For some, it has been terrifying. Feeling that
they are loosing their grip and becoming ungrounded.

Whenever chunks of our pillars fall away, the usual response is to quickly
try to put them back into position. However, this doesn't work at all. No
matter how hard we try, we cannot repair what is not meant to be fixed.

The best response is to simply let our pillars crumble. Feel vulnerable.
Feel unsupported by the usual means of support. And then just when we're
waiting nervously for our entire world to collapse, we will discover that
our beings don't fall. They just get stronger and clearer.

This is because our seemingly solid stone pillars were all an illusion of
duality. What was really holding everything together was the titanium rod or
rebar in the center of the pillar. As our pillars crumble, it will be the
only thing which remains. And the only thing we need.

This is when we will discover a new lightness of being. A new mobility. A
true sense of freedom. Without the heavy covering of stones and mortar, we
can fully expand into our True Core Being which is well beyond the
perimeters of our personal being. We can expand all the way into the New
Matrix. We can become living Lotuses of Love.

And now we are ready for our sacred quest to find our hidden treasures.


This is a mystical year of mythical proportions. We will be following
ancient pathways that will lead us to totally new directions. Some of us
will be walking the Path of the Dragon or the Path of the White Deer; others
will be on the Path of the Winged Lion. There are many ancient pathways such
as the Path of the White Horse which shall now be revealed. And if we are
walking our true path, whatever it is, we shall finally be on the real PATH

Once we find our true pathway, we begin our sacred quest for our hidden
treasures. It soon becomes apparent that there are special places we must
visit, special people to meet and special items we must find. And of course,
one of our ultimate hidden treasures is our One True Love.

What makes this a bit challenging is that we are not told in advance where
we must go or what we must find. We have no list in hand. Instead, we must
recognize our hidden treasures as they appear.

Every time that we encounter one of our hidden treasures, we experience the
sense of something massive clicking into its true position. A long lost
thread is rewoven into the fabric of our being and its entire patterning is
changed. A new, truer pattern that has long been hidden emerges. A jewel is
placed into the crown.

Each hidden treasure that we gather reconnects us with the Core of the Heart
of the Lotus. Each treasure found takes us deeper into the Ultra Greater
Reality. And this is exactly where we truly want to be.


Surrounding the Lotus World is a Band of Distortion which serves as the
filtering system for the Lotus Heart. These filters are so finely tuned and
perfectly calibrated that they won't let anything untrue enter the Lotus

If we have become True, Core Beings we can easily step through the Band of
Distortion and enter the Lotus World. However, if we are still carrying any
illusions, if we are still motivated by ego or selfishness, if we are still
compromising what we know to be true, if we are still resisting who we
really are, if our pockets are crammed full of expired elements, then we
will not obtain clear passage into the Lotus World.

Instead, everything that cannot enter the Lotus World will be so greatly
magnified once we reach the Band of Distortion that it will be impossible to
ignore. It will not only be magnified, but it will be greatly distorted so
that the illusions we still carry become illusions of illusions.

This calls for clear, decisive action. If we really want to enter the Lotus
World, we must quickly release all that holds us back, letting go of
everything that keeps us from being totally honest and integrous with
ourselves and others. To do this, we can make the sound of XUA! (zhwah)
while making a forward and upward movement with both arms. XUA! is the
self-cleaning mechanism of the Lotus. It washes everything untrue away and
clears the path before us.

The Band of Distortion isn't a place to be feared. It is serving a very real
purpose. And it's always good to be aware of where we are and what we are
experiencing. But it's important that we don't get stuck there.


There is a very strange phenomena happening right now called Horizontal
Disease. It occurs to people when they become stuck in the Band of
Distortion. It mainly affects those who know better, but who aren't
listening to themselves and who aren't being true to who they are. Those who
aren't rowing with their full beings even though they know that's what
they're meant to do. Those who are still compromising or watering down who
they really are.

Horizontal Disease is affecting some really brilliant people, the ones who
really know what is happening. This is because they are still trying to live
double lives.

It starts with internal blind spots which keep on enlarging. Then they begin
the endless process of blaming others for their own failure to step fully
in. They become enveloped in the illusion that they're in a new place, when
they are not. Or they become stuck in glaringly obvious old patterns and
situations, saying that it's their true purpose, when it isn't.

Before someone is totally taken over by Horizontal Disease, they have
fleeting moments of clarity, of questioning their direction and where they
are putting their energy. Then, they slip into the unconscious abdication of
their own knowing, losing their power of decision and succumbing to the deep
sleep of oblivion and denial.

This is Horizontal Disease. It isn't being mentioned to breed fear,
negativity or judgment. It is simply part of the reality of the present
moment and we need to be aware of it. It is happening to some of the finest,
most aware people. They are being pulled into a mirror world, a parallel
reality in which they are losing touch with what is real.

Horizontal Disease is not just getting stuck in duality; it is the duality
beyond duality. When someone has it, it sets up a forcefield that pushes
away and repels anything that is true. With Horizontal Disease, you make all
the wrong choices, repel all the true people. It is much like an enchantment
and puts people into a state similar to suspended animation where they
continuously circle around the Lotus World in the Band of Distortion, like
rings of Saturn. They can't enter the Lotus World and they can't go back to
where they used to be.

It is happening to some of the truest ones, some of our nearest and
dearest-- the ones who could really make a difference.

Some ways to prevent contacting Horizontal Disease are to set strong
energetic fields anchored in the Greater Reality in your home environment.
Gather together as many New Life tools, objects and skills as possible, for
these are the touchstones for our future. And just keep on rowing....

And when the shift into the Ultra Greater Reality happens, those true ones
who have fallen under the spell of Horizontal Disease will be among the
first to awaken.


The Ultra Greater Reality is so new that it is difficult to describe. Up
until a few months ago, I didn't know that it existed. It is often triggered
by encountering a Major Intersection which is a massive alignment of RIGHT
TIME - RIGHT PLACE. Each Major Intersection creates a mammoth explosion
within our beings that blasts us into the Ultra Greater Reality.

All I can say at this point is that the energies of the Ultra Greater
Reality are truly awesome and are quite unlike anything I have ever
experienced. Everything is ultra enhanced and totally clear. It is
absolutely timeless with a sense of vastness and expansion far, far beyond
anything we have known. There is an incredible freedom to move about with
ease in and beyond time and space. With it also comes a super heightened
all-seeing / all-knowingness, as well as a deep sense of well being. When we
are in it, we feel ultra naked, almost transparent, yet lucidly present.

Being in the Ultra Greater Reality triggers our beings to discover
previously forgotten or long hidden information. It's like there is a whole
secret world of things previously impossible to see, but waiting to be found
once you arrive there. This adds a whole new dimension to our treasure

There's a quality about the Ultra Greater Reality that is very much like AN
energy, a powerful fusion of back-to-the-very-beginning ancientness merged
with the totally ground-breaking New. This is MUA: Before the beginning.
When we enter it, we are at the place of a brand new beginning, a whole new
epoch, just as it was so long ago, yet on a vastly different level of the

The Ultra Greater Reality is so strong that even brief immersions in it can
totally sear our beings. This is one of the reasons that we just spent the
past year under scaffolding. It's not just our emotional bodies that are
getting rewired, but also our nervous systems, so we can hold the intensity
of the Ultra Greater Reality without getting fried.

What is truly amazing is that when you enter the Ultra Greater Reality,
everything flips over. The entire map of the Known and the Unknown flips
upside down to reveal a totally new and unexpected landscape. On the new
landscape everything has changed. Some things from both the Known and the
Unknown are gone. All recognized elements from the old landscape have been
rearranged and are in new positions. And many new elements from both the
Known and the Unknown are now revealed.

It reminds me of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End" when
Johnny Depp deciphers the revolving circular map that says, "Up is Down.
Down is Up." and must turn his ship upside down to get free. This is exactly
what we must do, for once we enter the flipped over landscape of the Ultra
Greater Reality, we are in the sphere of Beyond our Wildest Dreams.


In 2008 we will experience a massive immersion into LOTUS LOVE. With the
scaffolding that has long covered our emotional body finally falling off, we
will be able to Love and Be Loved as never before. This will be way off the
scale of any Love we have known before.

As True Core Beings we will be able to experience TRUE LOVE TO THE CORE. As
the year progresses, this will become the ground that we stand upon and the
air we breathe. We shall be embodiments of TRUE LOVE TO THE CORE. And this
will happen whether or not we are with our One True Loves, for it is this
very resonance that shall lead us to the Major Intersection where we meet
one another.

One True Loves are coming into the lives of many of us this year. Some
people found theirs last year, but the ones coming in this year will be well
worth the wait.

And please don't waste your time searching for them, for we will find each
other when least expected. Instead, let's turn our attention to our own
selves, become REAL and TRUE so we will be fully ready. Let's live in the
resonance of TRUE LOVE TO THE CORE. Once we step into our next level and
become true King of Kings and Queen of Queens, they will soon appear. (I
will write more about this in the January Surf Report.)

If we stay on our true trajectory, we will unquestionably encounter one
another. Just know that once we meet, everything will be irrevocably
changed. A whole new set of cards will be added to our decks enabling us to
play a whole new game that we never knew existed.

Our reconnection with our One True Loves is an integral part of our journey
through 2008. This is so important that I will be writing about this in much
greater depth in the monthly Surf Reports this year.


2008 is the year that we've been waiting for. Everything is absolutely ON
THE LINE in 2008. This is MAKE OR BREAK TIME without question. What will
help us most is centering our beings in the Heart of the Lotus. Rowing night
and day with our full beings. Living our mastery in every single minute. And
expanding our beings so that we become Master Servers of the One.

We cannot afford to be sloppy with any aspect of our lives. Carrying any
illusion within us will be extremely harmful and could hold us back. At this
point in the game, we simply cannot allow ourselves to do anything untrue.
And please remember: Don't doubt what you know to be true. And don't doubt
who you really are.

During the Monumental Year of 2008, our lives will undergo profound changes.
There will be many doors closing and many doors opening. We will continually
be rerouted until we connect with our truest path.

All year long, we have the possibility of encountering a series of Major
Intersections, each of which will be totally life changing.

We will be super humanly busy all year. And we will often have to get things
done in the midst of Choppy Surf in a Sea of Distraction. But we will have
lots of energy and enthusiasm to achieve what's before us, as long as we are
following the Compass of our Hearts and giving it everything we've got.

Many of us will be called to change our place of residence, finding the
perfect place where we can begin our New Lives. These new locations may well
be in totally unexpected areas, such as a country that you never thought of
moving to.

There is an array of potential places to move to, just as there are several
potential One True Loves. However, one place will call to us stronger than
the others. We must remain open to any hints and clues as to where we should
go, and let go of any preconceived personal preferences, knowing that when
we connect with our perfect new location that it will have a very specific
alignment with our True Destiny and Purpose that will be unquestionable.
When the time is right to move, we will know exactly where we are meant to

Many new people with whom we share a deep kinship will enter our lives. We
will discover that the time for being independent and alone is over. Now we
must live and work together with others who share our purpose and who are
walking our same sacred paths. Because of this, some of us will start
forming small hidden communities where we can set heightened energetic
fields and live immersed in the Lotus World while we anchor the resonance of
the Ultra Greater Reality for all.

Our jobs will also undergo dramatic shifts. We may find ourselves changing
our career direction and taking up something totally new and unexpected.
There is a strong connection between our new careers and our creativity
which is very important. Creativity and careers must now be fully merged and
made manifest. Each of us must find our unique way of serving the One within
the work we do, for without the component of service, we cannot be whole.
This will fling open the door to abundance and the fulfillment of our
Wildest Dreams.

If we follow the deepest promptings of our Heart of Hearts and do what we
would love to do, all will go well. But if we compromise ourselves in any
way, we will get sidetracked and miss these amazing, once-in-a-lifetime
Golden Opportunities.

Throughout the year, there will be some shocking surprises. These will be
shocking because they are so unexpected. And because this is the Time of
Completion, we will occasionally feel twinges that we have reached the end
of the world. Which it is. It's the end of the old world of duality and the
beginning of a whole new era. And we came here specifically to be here at
this time.

In 2008, we shall reach the shining shores of our New Lives. We shall start
creating our new foundations. We will forge new friendships. Our creativity
will burst forth in our new careers. We will walk down the Path of True Love
arm in arm with our One True Love, deeply grateful for the long journey that
brought us here.

And then we will forget our journey, releasing it to the cosmic dust, and
simply live in the HERE and NOW.... In the NEW and TRUE.

2008 is the year that we've been waiting for....


Make the Great Year of 2008 bring you
the Breakthrough of All Breakthroughs
the Fulfillment of your Wildest Dreams
and the Love of All Loves.

With Deepest LOVE from the Core of the Lotus Heart,
