"A sunspot located just out of sight over the sun's eastern limb has
unleashed two strong C-class solar flares in the past 24 hours. The
sun's rotation should bring this active region into view later today or
tomorrow allowing us to evaluate its potential for more explosions. If
you have a solar telescope, monitor the limb."
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
Just wanted to check the last sunspot activity on www.spaceweather.com
, but this interesting video (NASA) catched my attention. The last
sunspot explosion (C-Class flare) actually unveals something that does
not make sense to me - please take a look ! While sunspot sends the
flare into the space, a very clear object is reflected. It looks
obvious the object rotates. The object cannot be very far from the sun
as the flare can somehow cover it . If the object is close to the sun
surface (maybe few mil. miles) then .. we talk about an object of a
huge size. However, i could be wrong- what do you think?
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
Cycle 23 Has Just Ended
[link to www.lmsal.com]
Not mercury
[link to www.spaceweather.com]
Check it ** Good resolution
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
Has a New Planet turned up?
unleashed two strong C-class solar flares in the past 24 hours. The
sun's rotation should bring this active region into view later today or
tomorrow allowing us to evaluate its potential for more explosions. If
you have a solar telescope, monitor the limb."
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
Just wanted to check the last sunspot activity on www.spaceweather.com
, but this interesting video (NASA) catched my attention. The last
sunspot explosion (C-Class flare) actually unveals something that does
not make sense to me - please take a look ! While sunspot sends the
flare into the space, a very clear object is reflected. It looks
obvious the object rotates. The object cannot be very far from the sun
as the flare can somehow cover it . If the object is close to the sun
surface (maybe few mil. miles) then .. we talk about an object of a
huge size. However, i could be wrong- what do you think?
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
Cycle 23 Has Just Ended
[link to www.lmsal.com]
Not mercury
[link to www.spaceweather.com]
Check it ** Good resolution
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
[link to stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov]
Has a New Planet turned up?
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