When i observe the activity of the brain in beats per sec i learn that every state has a different frequency.
For example, i can distinguish between the active, focused, clear, trance and thoughtless state. Between the fight/flight fearfull or happy state. By controlling the frequency i can influence these state of being.
The most effective, long lasting, cheap way to accomplish this, is awareness. Methods, devices, books and teachers are not necessary at all.
For those in a hurry there are technical means. It is possible to train the brain with devices.
When we stimulate the senses at a certain frequency the brain will follow. This can be done by sounds, lights and currents.
On http://web-us.com/thescience.htm
and http://www.skyhero.com/binaural.htm you can read about the theory.
http://www.mindmodulations.com/resources/General-history.htm is about the history.
We use the software program brainwave-generator, to generate binaural beats. You can download this for free at http://www.bwgen.com.
This is what http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaural_beats has to say.
On http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm you can find a list with frequencies
What you need is a computer and a headphone, this you can expand with light-goggles. The cicuit to make you own goggles you can find at http://www.bwgen.com/magicjim.
With BwGen you can also make wave-files, convertable to mp3.
There is also something called cranial-elektro-stimulation (CES).
On http://www.hackcanada.com/homegrown/wetware/ces/index.html you can find simple circuits to make your own, for only a few euros.
On http://www.cerebrex.com/ganzfeld.htm they show you how to utilize a pingpong ball to meditate.
The video's:
Intro to Binaural Beats
Binaural beats information!
Messages from Everywhere!
What are binaural beats?
About: Brain-Sync / Hemi-Sync Audio
Bill Harris lecture on meditation