OP, Your perception is keen. The very fact you have discovered this, means you will be able to do the following.
I was taught this, amongst other things, by a Monk. It is real and absolutely no BS.
Now rather than something attached to your body find an object in the room, for example a mug, BUT DON'T pick it up, leave it on the table.
Now get yourself comfortable in a chair, look at the top of the wall, and close your eyelids over your eyes so your eyes are still in effect pointing at the top of the wall, through your eyelids. Keep them closed, and place your whole minds attention on the mug. (Your eyes will at some point go to a natural resting place, and this is OK, you may not even be aware of this happening). Now ask yourself how does the mug feel from within. Is it cold, hot, solid, hollow, what colour is it, what material is it made of, how does the material feel, can you feel undulations, are there cracks in the mug, is the glaze smooth, is it smooth allover, is the inside dirty etc.
At first you'll be thinking this is nonsense, your mind will wander, your body will keep reminding you that it is around, with a twitch, or a small pain. But keep concentrating on the mug in your minds eye, use your imagination to imagine the answers to your questions but keep your whole attention on the mug.
Do this for at least 10 minutes - that is a very long time. If you can keep solid attention for only 5 minutes without any other thought other than the mug, you will feel a sudden expansion of your awareness - it's like a whooshing feeling, and rather than imagining the answers about the mug, you find YOU ARE THE MUG, and therefore you know the answers about the mug, you also find you know who has been drinking from the mug, you understand a history of where you have been. It is a truly stunning experience. At some point you may experience streaming of information, this is where you suddenly have a whole stream of thoughts concerning the mug, that are different than the ones you were imagining. This can happen just before your expansion of awareness.
The expansion of awareness is unmistakable, if you have to ask, has it happened ?, is this the feeling ?, then it has not happened for you yet. Most people on feeling the expansion, panic and revert their attention away from the mug and totally to their body. TRY AGAIN!
Once you can do this successfully, you will find it gets quicker and quicker and you'll find you can switch awareness from your body to an object almost instantly, especially if you have a trigger.
On feeling the stream of information or expansion of awareness, set yourself up a trigger. This can be the classic touching of thumb to middle-finger ( or any finger that feels natural and effortless). Do this ONLY once you are certain that this expansion of awareness has happened and hold the trigger only as long as you are still within the expansion of awareness. Overtime you will be able to place your attention on any object, OR LIVING ANIMAL, OR HUMAN, touch your thumb to your middle finger and your awareness will immediately shift. THIS IS THE TRIGGER.
I see so many people begin their very first meditation session by immediately holding the trigger pose. All this does is set up a trigger of full awareness consciousness!! This is not what you want.
Don't try too hard. All you need to do is keep your imagination and thought entirely on the object. If another thought comes into your head, just say to yourself the word, go, and refocus on the object. The larger your ego, the more your brain will find things to interrupt your thought patterns with. So headstrong people you will need to perservere.
When connecting to another human, you are not connecting, as in being able to control, it's just a tapping in of feelings, memories as visuals, and if you are very good, thoughts. Be aware, if you connect you will know instantly how that person exactly feels about you, without any doubt.
Be discerning with what you connect to. For example, old swords can stream info. on very real feelings of death, dying, blood, gore, dispair, very graphic pictures. Same goes for people. Some people have a veneer of plesantness but a black heart of hatred and bitterness and history of ugly, bad deeds. They can stream feelings and pictures you'll NEVER forget.
For the non-believers consider how your intuition can tell you when someone you haven't met is bad news, how the hairs can raise on the back of your neck, just before a bad situation occurs. How for some reason you slowed down on a road even though you normally go much faster, and road conditions are not telling you slow down, but for some reason you did slow down, and within a kilometer, you need to brake hard, and you only just manage to stop in time. And you laugh and count yourself lucky you weren't going as fast as you normally do.
In a car particularly your attention is on the road, you are starting the shift of awareness, that allows information to stream to you, that is picked up by your subconscious mind.
Let me know if you find this interesting. If people are, I can go into how you can scan your own body, with your awareness, to identify problem areas.