vrijdag 11 januari 2008

- 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective

[quote:Dances with Moonbeams]
Looking forward in 2008
- 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective


We are happy to have the opportunity to speak with you again. The
question at hand is what will the year 2008 bring. Well there are
many layers and levels to that question. We ponder it and search for
the most appropriate answer. Often as you work with us you find us
speaking in generalities. This we do with intention. By focusing on
what you are told will come to be, it plants that seed. And as you
know, that which you focus on comes to pass. Rather than do that we
would prefer to shift your focus on truly understanding that you
create your own reality, and although you are connected to mass
consciousness, you can make new decisions and interpret life in a new

What we will tell you is that one of the most significant events of
2008 will occur at the beginning of July and last for approximately
eight months. Since the late 1980's your entire solar system has been
moving through a region of space that contains high amounts of
photonic energy. Many of you have heard it talked of before, but not
until this last April did you begin to feel it with any real ntensity.
This band of photonic energy is a start/finish line, if you will, for
the galactic cycles. It marks a beginning and an end. This energy
comes in waves allowing you to increase your awareness and frequency
and then integrate all that you have learned. From April to September
of this year you rode one of these waves. Did you enjoy the ride?

If you reflect, you will most likely find that it was an intense
period for you, complete with many core issues. As you move through
these dense sectors of energy, the entire planet is bathed in photons.
More photons mean more light, more love, and more information is
available to you. Your body absorbs these higher frequencies, and as
you do so, lower frequencies are brought to the surface to be
processed and cleared.

So as you begin to ride these waves of photonic energy, you have the
ability to make huge strides in spiritual growth and development. You
have the opportunity to clear energy and patterns that you have been
putting off or suppressing. It is a tremendous catalyst for change
and if you are conscious of the process and the extra support you
have from the universe, it makes clearing much easier. You recognize
the situations you have created as opportunities for advancement. But
for those who are still sleeping, it will simply seem as if all life
is a trial. All of their core issues appear but go unacknowledged or
unaddressed. When these issues surface it can create a great deal
of anxiety for those who don't understand the process. All they see
are their darkest fears come to life.

With this influx of energy you can see how many dramatic events may be
created in order for humanity to clear its issues from mass
consciousness. You may find that dastardly deeds are done to create
the reflection and awaken the sleeping masses. We would prefer to
tell you that these events were not necessary, but from a higher
perspective, from a perspective without judgment, we see that they
serve their purpose. But that does not mean that you who have
awakened need partake in these lower frequency events.

Dimensions are simply ranges of frequency that define the boundaries
for playing fields, all with different rules. Within dimensions you
have frequency ranges which create different timelines. As the planet
nears the galactic equator, multiple versions of reality will be
within your perception. You will have "multiple" versions of the
planet to accommodate the changing beliefs and frequencies.

Your own resonate frequency will determine which you will find
yourself in. Multiple timelines or versions of earth exist now, but
you are unaware of this, as this is a multidimensional perspective.
[b]One of the beauties of the third dimension is that you are able to
focus your energy so intently on one reality or timeline that you do
not see the others, which in turn creates the illusion of linear time.
This allows you the ability to delve into the emotional experience in
a far more in-depth way than in other dimensions.[/b]
As the earth nears the fourth dimension the difference in the
frequency ranges will become more pronounced. If you were to look at
all the many timelines you would see a great difference between those
on the path of ascension and those who are choosing to remain in the
third. This is how you can maintain a state of abundance while the
economy declines. This is how you create more freedom and flexibility
in a world filled with war and anger.

Many of you look at the state of the world and wonder how it is you
will be able to ascend as a planet in a mere five years. Each
succeeding wave of photonic energy is more intense and will continue
to accelerate your growth exponentially. We tell you that from April
to September of this year, your growth pattern was the equivalent of
six years worth of growth. With this universal support the next wave
beginning in July 2008 and lasting for eight months will allow you the
opportunity to experience the equivalent of fifty years of growth.
The succeeding wave that will begin in February of 2009 will last for
approximately six month and allow for growth equal to several lifetimes.

Not all of you will wait until 2012 to make the leap to the fourth
dimension. From our perspective 2012 is a cut off date, and at that
time Earth will remove her energy from the third dimension. Some of
you will begin to transit into the fourth and remain while others will
move into the fourth, learn how to work with the energy of that
dimension, and once again return to the third to assist those will be
ascending closer to 2012.

During these peek periods it is extremely important for you to clear
your own energetic field on a daily, if not multi-daily, basis. With
so much energy being processed it is easy to take on others' energy.
If you are aware that the "unrest" is being created as a way for mass
consciousness to clear and that it is part of the natural ascension
process, you can relax into the opportunity and take full advantage of
the universal support.

We strongly urge you to address fears and doubts as they arise. You
are creating events to inform your conscious mind of your unseen
emotions that need to be addressed. And while they may seem
challenging, we assure you the longer you put off clearing, the more
intense the process will become.

This is a new experience for all those in the universe, and we cannot
see exactly how it will play out. You are the true masters and are
writing the manuals on how this is accomplished. While we can give
you tools and bits of advice, you are the ones who must interpret the
energy through your bodies and find what is most effective for you
and for the planet.

We are with you, dears, watching and waiting. Should you need
assistance, feel free to call on us at any time, and we will do our
best to assist you.

Many well wishes.


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